The Voice of a Prophet is the Sound of the Shouts From People’s own Conscience (ll)
The Reason why Christians must receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit
The fullness of the Holy Spirit means to achieve the ‘love’ which is the fulfillment of the two commandments that cannot be fulfilled by the Law in my spirit by the guidance of the Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of Jesus Christ. By doing so, the kingdom of God which consists of righteousness, joy and peace (Ro 14:17), i.e., the kingdom of heaven is fulfilled in my spirit (Lk 17:21). Through this, Christians can bear the role as the watchman of peace which is the Christian ministry; and the trumpeter of evangelism, which testifies ‘the good’.
There are the Law and the law of the Holy Spirit in Christian faith. As the Law and the law of the Holy Spirit are on the straight line, the fulfillment of the Law is namely the beginning of the law of the Holy Spirit. The cores of the Law which John the Baptist shouted to the Pharisees and the Sadducees 2,000 years ago by the Jordan River are the two commandments such as the first commandment, ‘Love your Lord your God with all your heart and with all your mind and with all your soul’; and the second commandment, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself’ and he shouted to bear fruit in keeping with repentance on the basis of the two commandments. All fruit of the Law can be produced by the spirit with the fulfillment of love. Therefore, love is the fulfillment of the law (Ro 13:10).
The world never knows the Father at all. Therefore, the Law is to turn the hearts of the fathers back to the children, i.e., to know surely the hearts and will of the fathers, so as to make us to turn to the fathers (Lk 1:17). In other words, the Law plays a role of a road sign to guide the world and aliens to return to God. Therefore, through the Law, “To sunrise from on high will visit us, to shine upon those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace” (Lk 1:78-79). Furthermore, as God gives those who keep the Law blessings of wealth of the flesh and longevity which are the desires of all the people in the world to demand basically, God allows people to know invisible living God so that the Law is a law of the process of growing faith. There is the Holy Spirit even in such Law. However, the Holy Spirit is too little to bear the fruit of love, which the two commandments of the Law demand. If we see the birth of John the Baptist, the last prophet of the Law, he was filled with the Holy Spirit while yet in his mother’s womb (Lk 1:15). However, the Holy Spirit in the Law is the amount of grace to have faith and confidence in the word of God, but not the amount of bearing fruit to complete love and carry out the Lord’s commandment of love. Likewise, with 1L of gasoline, a 25 ton cargo truck cannot go up to 1,000 km. About 1L of gasoline is only the amount to brighten a light and to believe that the word of Bible is surely the word of God. Therefore, to keep perfectly the two commandments which are required by the Law is only a wishful and a hopeful thinking but it is practically hard to keep it in reality. Jesus Christ is the one who fulfills such Law at once and help us to fulfill love.
Jesus Christ experienced for himself the Law which we cannot keep when he was in the flesh, thus he knows the weakness of human being better than anybody else. For that reason, as the Helper, the Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of Jesus Christ fulfills love, thus the Holy Spirit makes the Law which we cannot fulfill by might or by power reach the top at once. However, there is a condition. If you can do it sufficiently but you only ask for help without trying it, then such a faith is not acceptable.
In other words, when anyone asks for help as spirit based on the eight Beatitudes (Mt 5:1-12), crying out, seeking, asking to Jesus Christ in order to fulfill and keep the two commandments of the Law in his life, the power of mysterious love of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Jesus Christ, descends from above and he is clothed with the power and led to salvation if there is sincerity of faith and truth. Therefore, only Jesus Christ is our eternal Messiah and this was a God’s covenant which God promised from the creation of the world.
Therefore, before the ascension to heaven, Jesus Christ said, “I am sending forth the promise of My Father upon you; but you are to stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high.” and ascended to heaven (Lk 24:48-49, Ac 1:4-8). This word means to be clothed with the fulfilled power of mysterious love descending from above, namely, the power of the Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of Jesus Christ. This power is the fullness of the Holy Spirit. If I am filled with the Holy Spirit, I can fully overcome all desires of worldly three lusts and greed which have governed me so far, thus they are vanished in a flash within me; and another new appearance of me appears. Then, repentance pours out to God. By saying, ‘I am a sinful man!’ and I confess naturally that I am a sinner.
Not long ago, I hated my neighbor and even loathed it; and I had evil thought and tried to revenge it because I thought of it as my enemy. When I was clothed with the power of Jesus Christ, I felt suddenly sorry for my neighbor, my heart became a beautiful world governed by forgiveness and mercy; I did not want to do sinful things even if I would die and I only wanted to carry out love; I wanted to take after God’s attributes and follow them; I could never leave the Lord’s commandments; I was filled with joy and pleasure regardless of my reality and full of assurance, confidence, etc. that I could achieve anything by faith.
As the power of this love, Christians can fulfill the two commandments of the Law very easily and briefly. Like this, the spirit of perfected love by the help of the Holy Spirit can fulfill ‘You are in Me, and I in you’ now (Jn 14:20). As God makes a perfect throne and stays together on this spirit, God discloses His the face that has hidden to us in the mean time through the Lord (Jn 14:21). By doing so, the Holy Spirit will directly teach us, bring to our remembrance and educate (Jn 14:26) ‘the good’, the will of God, deprived and lost concerning sin and righteousness and judgment (Jn 16:8) since the fall of Adam, thus He will guide us into the truth (Jn 16:13). Like this, everything guided by the Holy Spirit is called the law of the Holy Spirit. Like this, to be taught directly by the Holy Spirit about ‘the good’ is called anointment; and the anointed person is called a Christian.
Therefore, the standard of conscience is changed again as ‘the good’ which is guided by the Holy Spirit from now on. The Lord becomes an overseer, a teacher and a leader for the church and our flocks, thus the Lord walks together with us. Such law of the Holy Spirit together with the Law is the everlasting law which Christians should keep and it is the core of faith. Like this, when Christians are filled with the Holy Spirit, only then they can carry out the role of watchmen, their proper ministry, and trumpeters who testify ‘the good’.
● Who are Christians?
(1) Christians are watchmen to achieve security and peace to the world as sacrifices and priests of the world through a living sacrifice according to the example of Jesus Christ. (Eph 5:2)
A watchman is like a policeman who patrols local areas and takes charge of public order and security. A lot of unlawfulness, lawlessness, and troubles are continued in the world. How and who should clean up the accumulated garbage of sin such as hatred, envy, jealousy, grudge, resentment, loathing, scream, pain, etc. while living life? As the power of love given by the Lord, Christians are sacrifices to be offered to God by bearing fruit of action with forgiveness, compassion, mercy and love not only problems in front of themselves but also the problems of others like their own work as the Good Samaritan in their lives.
By doing so, as Jesus Christ said, “You are a royal priesthood”, Christians should carry out the role of a priest in the Old Testament. The model of sacrifices of the Old Testament is fulfilled as a sacrifice to be offered to God by killing their three lusts in their lives and bearing fruit of love, the Lord’s commandments, since the New Testament. Through such a living sacrifice, to keep and carry out peace is the work of Christians today (Ro 12:1). In other words, priests and sacrifices are the same and Christians are to fulfill the work of watchmen through such roles.
As if a policeman executes the work of management of accident handling on the spot at the site of a traffic accident, our Christians are spiritual ministers who straighten out and solve problems by offering prayers for repentance and forgiveness on the spot right away regardless of their relationships, being the people on the other side if there are problems around their surroundings and in their society. In other words, Christians put the victim and the perpetrator in the same situation and change their positions. As mediators, they receive forgiveness from the Lord by asking forgiveness for wrong doing as being the perpetrator in the position of the perpetrator. In addition, they offer prayer to the Lord for comforting the victim and clean off and straighten out the blood spilt on the ground, such as grudge, loathing, hatred, etc. on the spot right away by repenting. Just as the priests of the Old Testament took charge of sins of the people, this is the work of Christians who are priests since the New Testament. Therefore, the Bible says, “You are a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people” (1Pe 2:9). Also, it says, “You are the light of the world” (Mt 5:14).
(2) Christians are trumpeters who testify ‘the good’, the will of God, to the world.
Christians have a duty as trumpeters to find God’s will for the world and to provide God’s wisdom and knowledge to mankind. ‘The good’ is the will of God. As mentioned previously, when love is fulfilled in our spirit, i.e., our spirit is filled with the Holy Spirit, we became one spirit with God, thus we can know ‘the good’ like face to face (1Co 13:12). When that happens, the Holy Spirit will directly teach us, bring to our remembrance and educate ‘the good’, thus He will lead us to ‘the good’. Like this, the Church and Christians must clearly know the guided ‘the good’; and to make it possible for His kingdom and His righteousness to be realized on this earth is their teleological duty as well as mission. However, in the meantime Christianity has fallen in abundance and has not grown spiritually, thus it could not present ‘the good’. As a result, the world has flowed into a lot of arguments and self-indulgence to realize the ideal world only by human wisdom and knowledge. Regarding people who did not do the will of God and said, ‘Lord, Lord’, Jesus Christ warned in the Book of Matthew, “I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!” (Mt 7:21-23).
From now on, our churches must find ‘the good’, the will God, and present it to mankind in order to solve accumulated numerous problems such as how we can overcome nature and environments which are the most urgent problems today, etc. In order to do that, we must let our own prayers of one spirit and one spirit to ascend before God through repentance first. When such prayers are gathered and gathered together; and become one will like vast water course, only then the prayers are ascended before God, thus God opens the way of salvation of mankind. This cannot be achieved by one individual, one church or one denomination. Therefore, it is time to need true faith of all the churches around the world.
Hallelujah, Hallelujah.
All the praise and glory I give to our Lord, King of kings.
A man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.