The Covenant of Tears, The Last Promise of God
Today, the judgment is coming to all human beings together with the signs of the last days which Jesus Christ already said (Mt. Chapter 24). The sun and the moon will be turned into darkness; justice and ‘the good’ are disappeared as darkness falls; environmental disasters, lack of common sense, confusion, false rumor, panic, conflict, doubt, distrust, etc. dominate; and there is no stability and peace anywhere in the world. Like this, human beings are running toward the center of disaster today. In 2006, God already said to all human beings who live in modern society through a message titled as “What is a Disaster?” and it is as follows:
Starting from 21st century, this is the time when people have to bear the fruits of last 2,000 years and pay the price for what they owe, namely this is the Last Days. This is also time of harvest when people should pay the price for their debts and take what they give. As the fruits of deeds, people should find evidence that the truth, the words of God, is alive with full power, and it is working righteously. Through this, they should realize with fear that God is alive, thus they should stop committing sins. Then, how can people stop coming disasters and sufferings in the future?
As people of the world today are too much departed from the truth, which is love, they are deeply and thoroughly soaked in sins. Although plenty of materials are available, the bloodshed, the price for material prosperity, should bring suffering, hopelessness, vanity, emptiness, failure, frustration, loss, and adversity to people in their lives. In addition, their spirit should be thoroughly locked into instinctive lives with fear, horror, and distrust, which resulted in deprivation of happiness. In addition, there are the prevalence of unknown diseases, wars, being deprived by depriving and being pressed by enjoying. Today’s entertainments are like enjoyable toys for happiness for a short time. After all, these should be repaid by complaints, irritation, pains, displeasure, insult, shame, etc. This is inevitable since they have lived in sins, departing from the good. Now, it is the time of Judgment for mankind by the law of God. Mankind should not be whipped by God any longer and be saved by Jesus Christ through repentance. As a result of overlooking such word and warning of God, the situation of today is getting worse and falling into a deep swamp day by day, thus human beings face difficult and hard times. With regard to this, I would like to once again deliver the tearful earnest words of advice of our Lord Jesus Christ toward human beings.
● Why did Human Beings Face the Last Days?
People of the world will try to find the cause of present situations which is the last days in their own way, but the fundamental cause is that they left ‘the good’ and did ‘evil’. In other words, it happened because they left God (Jer 2:19). God is the only one who created all things, thus only God’s determined and planned will is ‘the good.’ God creates all things by His omniscience and omnipotence of perfect wisdom, knowledge, and power; and He judges good and evil by His power. Therefore, all things starting from God such as God’s will, word, etc. are ‘the good’ and all things except those are ‘evil’. However, human eyes were opened by temptation of the serpent since the incident of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thus they had begun to judge good and evil for themselves like God (Ge 3:5). In other words, humans proceed with the work using scientifically proven grounds and experience, etc. not to have failures and mistakes by judging from their own wisdom, knowledge and logic regardless of God’s word and will. Furthermore, they believe and live only in such common sense. Like this, according to their own wisdom and knowledge, they can set up ‘the good’ and act upon it, but ‘the good’ which is not God’s will and word but chosen by human beings for themselves is evil. Because ‘the good’ is evil, the more they use it, the more thorns and thistles will be produced as the word of covenant (Ge 3:18). In other words, they only live a life like downfall, failure, futility and fog. The reason is that all things are fulfilled according to the attributes of good and evil. As the attributes of ‘the good’ are happiness, love, joy, achievement, abundance, wealth, prosperity, success, etc., these come to people automatically in the blessing of the earth when they keep ‘the good’ which is the will of God. On the other hand, as the attributes of ‘evil’ are curse, worry, failure, distress, disease, fear, downfall, despair, hatred, etc.; the earth will be cursed and automatically bear thorns and thistles when they do ‘evil’ away from God. Doing evil away from ‘the good’ which is the will of God caused human beings of today face the last days, thus they are locked in prisons of fear, despair, pain, etc. which are attributes of evil. For that reason, the Bible says, “There were those who dwelt in darkness and in the shadow of death, prisoners in misery and chains because they had rebelled against the words of God and spurned the counsel of the Most High” (Ps 107:10-11). Like this, the Bible teaches an everlasting lesson to human beings through the incident of the Tower of Babel in regard to those who live in their own way away from ‘the good’, the will of God.
● The Lesson of the Tower of Babel
After the expulsion from the Garden of Eden, human beings have broken relationship with God and judged good and evil like God due to opening of their eyes. Like this, amid breaking relationship with God, the incident to show the result of all things that human beings carried out good deeds in their own way is the incident of the Tower of Babel. In other words, the incident of the Tower of Babel teaches the lesson that human beings cannot accomplish the purpose of prosperity, achievement, success, etc. by doing in accordance with the way of their own heart away from ‘the good’ of God (Isa. 57:17); and by human wisdom, knowledge, efforts, power and ability. One of the idols which were set up on the top of the Tower of Babel and worshiped is “Bell” and has the meaning of destiny or a lord.
Lord who controls human rise and fall; life and death; and happiness and misery is the only one, God; and human destiny is determined only by the will of the Lord. However, “Bell” also means the world trend which is regarded as human wisdom, scheme, means, ability, power, etc., a lord who solves all problems; and using those properly, it determines human destiny away from God. Even today, people still live by worshiping “Bell’ which is the idol on the top of the Tower of Babel instead of God. Therefore, God said that the friendship with the world was hostility toward God (Jas. 4:4).
God governs and rules over the realm of mankind according to the law which is the will of God. For that reason, all the consequences of acting of human beings are made only by the law which is the will of God.
"I know, O Lord, that a man’s way is not in himself, Nor is it in a man who walks to direct his steps" (Jer. 10:23)
"The plans of the heart belong to man, but the answer of the tongue is from the Lord" (Pr. 16:1)
"Man’s steps are ordained by the Lord, How then can man understand his way?" (Pr. 20:24)
Eventually, the purpose of the Tower of Babel was not fulfilled due to the confusion of languages and God scattered people abroad over the face of the whole earth (Ge 11:9). Like this, people cannot accomplish their purpose such as prosperity, achievement and success, etc. by human wisdom, knowledge, power and ability away from ‘the good’ of God. This teaches an everlasting lesson to human beings.
● Why did God create ‘evil’?
Then, people wonder why God created evil. That question is the same as why morphine, a painkiller, was made. God created all things to be perfect and to look good (Ge Chapter 1). Human beings were created as God’s image to live by love because they can just know ‘the good’, the will of God, only within the love as they see face to face (1Co 13:12). Like this, Adam lived within love and walked with God. For that reason, God gave Christians a commandment, “to love.” God created beasts to look good as beasts and the means of their life is to live by survival of the fittest which is physical instinct. However, because of falling into temptation of the beast, human beings have ended up to live by the wisdom and the means of life of beasts since the incident of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
In other words, people do not live by keeping love which God created but live by the flesh, (Gal 5:19-21) which are the mind of beasts and means of survival of the fittest which is the means of life of beasts. Therefore, people think that they can live well only if they can use their own knowledge, wisdom, scheme, conspiracy, tricks, falsehood and ploy well; and this is called the secret of success in life, the way of their own survival. However, human beings should realize that this is just prolongation of life to narrowly escape every moment, and everything will be destroyed and faded into emptiness in the end.
Such a lesson is recorded in the book of Daniel of the Old Testament. God lowered the heart of arrogant King Nebuchadnezzar, who had the most power and supreme authority in the world and showed disregard for God, as the heart of wild beasts; and trained him until he recognized that the Most High God ruled over the realm of mankind and set over it whomever He wished (Da. 5:21). Like this, God is trying to restore the instinct of beast to the image of God through training of human beings.
In other words, God’s purpose is not to strike human beings to give pain through disasters but to educate them to live by keeping God’s law through training. Accordingly, in the prophetic book of Ezekiel of the Old Testament, “They will know that I am the Lord” is recorded repeatedly more than sixty times. The reason is that the people of Israel acted upon their own wisdom, desire, and will; and worshiped idols away from God but they experienced directly that everything was eventually fulfilled according to the word of God in pain and destruction, thus they realized that God was alive. Through more than sixty times of the repetitive training in the lives of people of Israel and alien countries, God’s purpose is to educate them to have mature faith to acknowledge God.
By doing so, God trains people to understand that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord (Dt. 8:3). Such education applies not only to the people of Israel but also to all human beings. Why is God trying to severely educate human beings like this? God is only aiming to restore all fallen human beings to God’s image. The absolutely necessary course to restore all human beings to God’s image is that anyone who committed sin surely must pay the price of retribution according to the sin. This is the shedding of blood, which means blood must be paid by blood.
● What is ‘the Shedding of Blood’?
In the book of Genesis, God said that He would surely require the blood from the one who shed man’s blood because God made man in the image of God (Ge. 9:5-6). Why? What is the relationship between the image of God and the shedding of blood?
Since the incident of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, all human beings have been running toward evil without knowing ‘the good.’ Consequently, in regard to the committed evil actions, God is trying to preserve ‘the good’ by burning up ‘the evil.’ If evil like a cancerous lump is invaded within ‘the good’ of love created by God, the evil will be thoroughly removed to preserve ‘the good’, which reveals God’s will to save all human beings, the children of God. Such shedding of blood is fulfilled according to the law of retribution (Isa. 33:1, 2Sa. 22:25).
In other words, according to the law of reaping what you sow, evil must be paid for the price in regard to the committed sins. Accordingly, whatever you sow is surely realized as it is in your life. By doing so, God shows people directly what they did wrong like a mirror, thus God is trying to restore and raise all human beings to the image of God. Therefore, God declared that there would be no forgiveness of sins without the shedding of blood. Through this shedding of blood such as training, a disaster of whip, retribution, anger, wrath, curse, etc., God burns evil and tries to restore love which is the image of God. This is the tearful love of God.
Like this, a disaster is the period to extinguish and burn sin and evil with fire until sin is poured out totally and paid off by pain of fear, terror, worry, anxiety, concern, fall, disease, etc. in proportional to the sin which each individual has committed. For that reason, God said, “The Lord your God is a consuming fire.”
“For the Lord your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God” (Dt. 4:24)
In regard to the days of adversity, it is written in the book of Psalms “the iniquity of my foes surrounds me” (Ps. 49:5). and in the book of Romans, “There will be tribulation and distress for every soul of man who does evil” (Ro. 2:9). Like this, those who commit evil and sin must pour out their own blood of life by suffering and groaning as much as they did.
As God said, “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease,” such a disaster has not ceased since the time of Noah’s Ark (Ge. 8:22). If the sins of human beings are accumulated, they are judged according to their deeds as termination of their sins; and if they finish serving the sentence, then they will make a fresh, new start in life. As if the sin is erased after a criminal pays a sentence in prison, he will make a fresh new start. Moreover, if the sins are accumulated again, they are judged again. Such a continuous living is life. Therefore, the book of Ecclesiastes tells mankind, “Vanity of vanities! All is vanity” (Ecc 1:2) and the book of Job says that man is born for trouble (Job 5:7). From this vicious cycle of life, the way to life and eternal life is only to return to “the good” after receiving salvation.
● How do you know “the Good”?
In regard to ‘the good’, God reveals His will to mankind through the Law and the law of the Holy Spirit. The Law belongs to the law of the flesh and it is an everlasting law to obtain wealth and longevity that all mankind wishes to have, whereas the law of the Holy Spirit is a law to possess the kingdom of heaven as the perfect law that gives rest and peace in the spirit. As the Law is the law of covenant through Moses 3,500 years ago, God declared the way to be blessed on Mt. Gerizim and the way to be cursed on Mt. Ebal. According to the law, God rules over the realm of mankind. Consequently, the destiny of all nations and individuals depends on complying with this law.
This law is to keep the doctrine of the Law which says ‘Treat others the same way you want them to treat you.’ As this is a law that penetrates all the Law, this is a law to reap what I sow. In other words, if I sow hatred, then I will reap hatred; if love, then love; if truth, then truth; and if falsehood and hypocrisy, then falsehood and hypocrisy. Whatever I saw, it will follow me in my life and be fulfilled 30 times, 60 times or 100 times as much.
Especially, if I want the economic abundance that all human beings pursue today, I should enrich others with aid. If so, I will reap the abundance just as much as I sow. Even if anyone takes everything out what he has and pours it out to others, such aid is the God’s promised law to guarantee everlasting abundance (Pr. 19:17, Pr. 11:25). If you serve neighborhood as you serve the Lord by faith, it is the secret of blessing that returns to you 30 times, 60 times or 100 times as much as you sow after for a while. This is the only lawful and perfect way for a nation or an individual to receive material blessings from the Lord.
The Law is the perfect God’s law to survive in the fierce market economy among nations today. Besides this, any effort is the same as building a sand castle. Like this, the Law is the law of reaping what you sow, thus anyone should not deplore his destiny and situation. Those who take up the sword shall perish by the sword, and schemers shall perish by being intrigued in the end. In other words, our own happiness and misfortune return to us as we have planted like a boomerang, thus we should not blame anyone.
Moreover, the law of Holy Spirit is the law to restore to Adam and to fulfill love which is the image of God. In doing so, it is to fulfill the perfect happiness in the spirit. In other words, it is a law to fulfill the kingdom of heaven. The only way to keep the law of the Holy Spirit is to fulfill love (1Co Chapter 13) (Jn. 14:23). It is impossible to fulfill such perfect state of love by human power or ability. It is a world that can be only reached by the help of the Helper, the Holy Spirit, the spirit of Jesus Christ, thus there is salvation only through Jesus Christ. This state is said to be born again of water and of the Spirit; and also called to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
Like this, the fulfillment of the Holy Spirit means the state which Jesus Christ totally governs me; and only in that spirit, the Lord loves me and discloses Himself to me (Jn. 14:21). Within the love, I become one spirit with Jesus Christ, thus I can know ‘the good’ which is God’s good plan and wish like coming to face to face with Him. Like this, ‘the good’ by the Holy Spirit can be known only when you reach completely within love. However, it is impossible for the whole church and a number of saints to enter within love. For that reason, just one of shepherds must be on the alert.
As if one scientist invented a new novel material, then it will benefit the whole of mankind with convenience. Likewise, if one shepherd finds out ‘the good’, the will of God, by abiding completely in love, then it will be testified to the world through the church as the light spreads and salt brings out its taste. Therefore, the church is the pillar of the truth; and this shows the importance of Christianity and Christians. (Cf.: “What is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that brought the fall of Man?”)
● The Role of Christianity and Christians
One of the missions of the church as a pillar of the truth is to preserve mankind not to fall into evil and not to be destroyed due to evil by finding out ‘the good’ of God; and proclaiming and testifying it to the world (Jn 3:16). Therefore, the church should know ‘the good’, the will of God. Also, Jesus Christ said, “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. Many will say to Me on that day ‘did we not perform many miracles in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never know you; Depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness'” (Mt. 7:21-27). God’s will is led by the Holy Spirit and those who do not know the will are blind. Accordingly, it is one of the missions of the church to know ‘the good’, God’s will, and let the world prepare it.
Moreover, Christians should just believe ‘the good’, God’s will, which is spoken through the church, and acts upon it, thus they should reveal God’s glory to the world by achieving it. In regard to the work of God, while seeing people of the world do not see; and while hearing they do not hear (Isa. 6:9, Mt. 13:13). Therefore, God uses two ways such as reward and punishment i.e., blessing and curse to show God in the faithless world. God gives Christians who keep the law endless blessings; and Christian countries which keep the law prosperity, peace and freedom. On the other hand, God gives people and countries that do not keep God’s law and commit sin and evil fear, tribulation, terror, despair, downfall, destruction, etc. which are disasters of curse. By doing so, God is teachings all mankind by reward and punishment.
God’s glory means to achieve and fulfill ‘the good’, the will of God, just as even to a point in the world. In other words, blessings are revealed to the world when the law is kept, whereas the curse of anger and wrath is revealed to the world when the law is not kept. Christians are sent to the world as witnesses to testify such God’s glory. In other words, Christians as an example of blessings should give instructions and lessons to aliens who do not believe in God not to do evil but to do good, thus they should leave from evil. This is the role of Christianity and Christians i.e. the mission of steward.
Stewards are the messengers of Light who know and deliver ‘the good.’ For that reason, Jesus Christ asked faithful stewards who could give food which was the word of ‘the good’ at the proper time. Jesus Christ said that the slave who was faithfully on the alert, knew the will of the Father and prepared each proper time would be blessed but the slave who could not so was cut in pieces and there would be weeping and gnashing of teeth (Lk. 12:42, Mt 24:44-51).
However, Christians could not play a role as such a steward. Moreover, today, God set the United States, a stewardship state, to be the most powerful country in the world as an example of world peace and blessing, but now, it is throwing away even its mission. God is continuously warning such United States. I wish that the United States should immediately return to the word of God and carry out fully its mission as a stewardship state.
Christians could not play the role of a steward. The reason is that they fell into “three desires” (the lust of flesh, the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life) which is greed within human mind away from love. As greed amounts to idolatry (Col. 3:5), it becomes a factor to bring immediate anger and wrath of God. Therefore, if Christians believe in Jesus Christ and receive salvation, they should take precaution to keep the salvation.
As Jesus Christ said in a parable, if one who was forgiven ten thousand talents does not forgive the other one who owed him a hundred denarii, Christians should know that God will require all the price of his sin until he repays ten thousand talents again (Mt 18:21-35). Since I received pardon and forgiveness of my sins from Jesus Christ, now I should live a consecrated life in endless love, forgiveness and understanding toward my neighbor and brothers. Also, Jesus Christ said directly in a parable that otherwise, the grace and favor of salvation would be lost. By doing so, He let Christians to take precaution.
Therefore, Christians should come back from ‘evil’ such as racial discrimination, white supremacy, neo-Nazism, etc. spreading worldwide today. As these things bring disasters to such a nation or an individual (Pr 13:21), it is foolish thing to walk directly to the pit of fury and wrath. Accordingly, the book of Proverbs advises, “Let a man meet a bear robbed of her cubs, rather than a fool in his folly” (Pr 17:12).
Racial discrimination, white supremacy, neo-Nazism, etc. in Christianity are “three desires” for Christians’ own satisfaction, i.e., idolatry to fulfill the greed. Christians should come back immediately from these things. If they do not return from them and repay evil with evil away from love, then they should keep in mind that they will lose the grace and favor of salvation and that they will receive fearful judgment of sin and retribution according to their sins like aliens (Heb 6:5-8, Heb 10:26). Therefore, God said, “Come out of her, my people, so that you will not participate in her sins and receive of her plagues, for her sins have piled up as high as heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities” (Rev 18:4-5). Now, Christians should discard idolatry of greed and come back to love so that they should carry out the role of steward to the world suffering from disasters in the end of ages.
● Now, mankind should believe in Jesus Christ and return to God’s bosom.
(The last promise of tears of God who gives to mankind In the days of adversity)
Now is the time of the last days, i.e., time of harvest. Time of harvest is time when judgment is made according to the things that one has planted even if it were a useless word. Although human beings are in the midst of disaster, they do not feel it in reality. Even if they feel it, they are trying to solve all the problems by depending on more worldly things such as their wisdom, knowledge, power, money, friend, etc., thus idolatry is greatly intensified. Therefore, they neither seek God nor ask for salvation (Rev 16: 9-11). When human beings have no one to depend on and they are desperate, only then they come to have an attitude of relying on God. This time is an opportunity to seek God by crying out, shouting out and repenting. Even Nineveh, a pagan country, fasted and repented by the Jonah’s proclamation of destruction of the country, thereby it was not destroyed. As shown in this incident, God opens the door of salvation and is waiting for any country, any nation or any individual.
Now is the time for human beings to choose whether they repent, believe in Jesus Christ, and return to God for salvation or they repeat receiving a God’s judgment, which is a disaster of their sins and evil that they accumulated until they receive the very last cent. God is the God who executes justice. If groan, pain, scream, resentment, hatred, complaint, etc., are accumulated by anyone among all mankind, God justly judges them, thus God is the God of judgment. Specially, God listens to the cry out of the fatherless, the widow and the helpless in the first place and judges their cry out. If sins are accumulated by executing justice, disasters and adversity come immediately from that moment to any country or any individual regardless of race and religion or even a beast, thus they must repay 4-77 times just as much as they did up to a point.
Specially, if resentment, hatred, complaints, groan, and scream are accumulated, there is explosion. This explosion is a war. As a result, human beings had 365 big and small wars on this earth for 2,000 years. Even only one hundred years ago, they suffered from World War l and World War II. There was no greater adversity than this on the earth. Now, human beings must stop such repetitive tragedies and they must listen to the word of the Lord at this point. Therefore, the Bible says “Today if you hear the Lord’s voice, do not harden your hearts” (Heb 3:15).
“Today if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts, As when they provoked Me” (Heb 3:15).
Now, mankind must return to love, the order of creation that God has established. When at least the Law of God, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself’, is applied to any system of a nation, human beings can prevent repetitive tragedies and co-exist mutually. However, everybody says that it is impossible to keep the word of God in reality. Nevertheless, we must return to God before everything is collapsed, crumbled to dust and destroyed (Mt. 5:29-30). The Bible says, “Whoever seeks to keep his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life will preserve it” (Lk. 17:33). From the moment when we make up our mind to return to God, Jesus Christ comes as the Holy Spirit, the Helper, and determines to help us by any means regardless of who we are and what kind of sins are committed.
For that reason, God said to people to call on the name of the Lord in the days of adversity as the word of promise, which is that God would save all mankind by pouring out His Spirit in the last days (Joel. 2:28-32, Ac. 2:17-21). According to this promise, everyone who cries out, seeks and asks will be saved by the help of the Holy Spirit. By the power of the Holy Spirit according to the situation and environment of people, those who need comfort, comfort will be given; those who need rest, peace of mind and rest will be given; those who are sick, healing and comfort will be given; those who are anxious, faith, peace, and joy will be given; those who are in poverty, mercy will be given; and those who are in stuffiness, freedom will be given. By doing so, God concretely and practically solves all problems; and gives grace and mercy to His children in the days of adversity in order to let them know God and sense God. By doing so, God is trying to find all the people of lost mankind again.
This is the last covenant that God established by tears in order to give to human beings who are suffering and groaning in the days of adversity (Eze. 37:24-26). This covenant was spoken through all the prophets. God is begging of mankind to “Return to Me. Please, return to Me.” In addition, God made the last promise that He will save those who return to Him by giving great grace.
"Return to Me, declares the Lord of hosts, 'That I may return to you,' says the Lord of hosts" (Zec 1:3)
"And let him return to the Lord, and He will have compassion on him, And to our God, for He will abundantly pardon" (Isa 55:1-7)
“'Return to Me, and I will return to you,' says the Lord of hosts" (Mal 3:7)
According to this covenant, now, mankind should believe in Jesus Christ and repent together with crying out, seeking and asking; thereby they must return to the bosom of God by the guidance of the Holy Spirit. It is the only and eternal way for human beings to escape from disasters.
If human beings go this way, then they will not be able to cope with adversity that will happen in the future. As the Tower of Babel was scattered, the disaster that has already been prepared will overturn and scatter the world. In addition, God will judge by pouring out sins and evil which human beings have accumulated according to the deeds of each nation and each individual through nature such as earthquakes, floods, droughts and burning heat that they cannot bear.
However, I would like to deliver the tearful appeal of our Lord Jesus Christ who earnestly wishes that these disasters and adversity of God who judges righteously do not come to mankind; and mankind immediately returns to God. In order not to have such disasters and adversity, we must listen to the last God’s tearful new covenant which was prophesied by all prophets for a long time ago for this time. I earnestly and sincerely wish that first of all, Christians and all mankind, about 7.6 billion people living today, should have sincere repentance.
O, Lord! Please, now, let mankind know that every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord is ‘the good’ and doing things at his own will away from the word of the Lord is ‘evil.’ Mankind has been living in severe pain and suffering until now because he does not know ‘the good.’ O, Lord! I, this servant, also earnestly wish that mankind returns to God just like your earnestness.
Please, let mankind realize that “Man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord” through these days of adversity (Mt 4:4). Also, let mankind know that ‘the good’ leads to blessings and life; and ‘evil’ leads to pain of death and downfall; and vanity.
I sincerely offer this prayer in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Hallelujah, Hallelujah! To God be the glory forever and ever!
The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever (Isa. 40:8).