A Man’s Life is Not His Own;

It is Not for Man to Direct His Steps. (Jer 10:23)

Now, the attention of the whole world is focused on the war between Ukraine and Russia. The situation of Ukraine is a process of erasing what it was done in the past when it belonged to Russia in order to achieve liberal democracy. In the case of those countries entangled in claim-obligation relationship, people stand against people; and country stand against country, thus we should realize that mutual blood is resolved only by the blood. If Ukraine is in such a situation, what and how will Russia do to pay off that huge price of blood in the future?

It seems that a war is dependent on national defense power of the country but it belongs to God and it is justly fulfilled according to God’s law. (2Ch 20:15) God’s law includes the Law of Moses and the law of Holy Spirit. The Law of Moses is justly judged based on the Ten Commandments just as God proclaimed on Mount Gerizim the blessings, and on Mount Ebal the curses (Dt 11).

Through this judgment, the life of every mankind is determined as a creditor or a debtor according to the law of sowing and reaping. Therefore, the world is eternally created and fulfilled with honesty, but those who discard the honesty and dig a pit with conspiracy and scheme to destroy neighboring countries may just fall into the pit and be only destroyed (Ecc 10:8, Ps 7:15).

Also, the country to deceive, deprive, threaten, and steal is always to be deceived, deprived, threatened and stolen; and it happens to the country, society, and individuals immediately just as they did. Therefore, if anyone is trying to establish a nation with evil, it will be only led to futility, illusion, disgrace, and destruction in everything regardless of plans no matter how strong national defense power of that country is and no matter how much great human wisdom, scheme, and ability the leader has.

Like this, through the law of retribution which is to reap what you sow, God wants human beings to realize what is right and what is wrong; and return to God. Accordingly, it is evil and illegal to try to achieve anything only with human wisdom, knowledge, scheme, conspiracy, ability, power, etc. regardless of God’s law, and the Bible defines this as idolatry because it is to fulfill their own greed and desires (Col 3:5).

The Symbol of Tower of Babel is an eternal lesson to mankind that what was built by human greed is destruction.

Through the Tower of Babel and Babylon, the Bible records a lesson that people were tried to fulfill their will away from God but they were scattered and turned to powder; and destroyed. In other words, from the Tower of Babel in the first Genesis to Babylon in the last Revelation, the Bible consistently records the result of destruction.

‘Bel (Baal)’ is one of idols which were worshiped on the top of the Tower of Babel and it has the meaning of ‘destiny’ or ‘master’. Only God is the master who controls the rise and fall of human beings; and life and prosperity, and death and adversity. The destiny of human beings is determined only by the will of the master. However the world trend becomes master to determine and solve all things by using human means, wisdom, knowledge, scheme, power, ability, strength, etc. away from God.

In the end, the Tower of Babel was not fulfilled due to the confusion of the language of whole world and God scattered people over the face of the whole earth (Gen 11:9). Once again, the descendents built a nation called Babylon on the basis of such collapsed Tower of Babel. As the meaning of Babylon was ‘the door of gods’, it was a city of idols which were made up of a lot of gods. Therefore, the Bible expresses it even as a prostitute (Jer 5:7, Rev 17:2, 4).

As for how Babylon which worshiped idols was destroyed, it is prophesied consistently and in detail from the prophecies of the prophets Isaiah (Isa 13) and Jeremiah (Jer 50, 51) in the Old Testament to the book of Revelation (Rev 18) in the New Testament.

Babylon was a gold cup in the LORD’s hand; she made the whole earth drunk.
The nations drank her wine; therefore they have now gone mad (Jer 51:7).

The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, and was glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls. She held a golden cup in her hand, filled with abominable things and the filth of her adulteries (Rev 17:4).

“Flee from Babylon! Run for your lives! Do not be destroyed because of her sins (Jer 51:6).
“Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins, so that
You will not receive any of her plague (Rev 18:4).

Just as God scattered people over all the earth due to the confusion of language in the case of the Tower of Babel, a mighty angel who received the order of God threw a boulder the size of a large millstone to scatter people also in the case of Babylon (Rev 18:21). Like this, the lessons of the Tower of Babel and Babylon teach that God will surely scatter, demolish and destroy all the things built by human beings without God. We must know that God is the ruler over the realm of mankind.

Consequently, one of the core lessons of Babylon is that ‘God is ruler over the realm of mankind.’ and to fear God in order for the country to remain as everlasting empire as Daniel advised King Nebuchadnezzar (Da 4:25-26). Therefore, the Bible says, “If you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts” (Heb 3:15).

God gives salvation to those who hear the warning and obey just as Nineveh, a Gentile nation, was saved by hearing Jonah’s cry and obeying, but God leads those who stubbornly do not bend their will to failure, failure, endless failure and shameful destruction by being trapped in the delusion of futility and illusion until the obstinacy is completely broken down and melted away even though they are his people and children. Only then, human beings would realize that it was done by God through such repetition.

Therefore, the Bible records that ‘you will know that I am the Lord your God’ over 60 times. This still vividly continues as a living lesson and evidence to human beings through the Bible about how blessings and curses were fulfilled and how the nation rose and was destroyed through the Israelites for 1500 years from Moses to John the Baptist.

The reason for God to train the Israelites is to teach that ‘the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever’; and ‘man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God’. Therefore, we must only follow God’s word guided by the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit forcefully has spoken to mankind about freedom, equality, justice, human rights, environment, and nuclear issue since 2015.

Although there are many countries in the global village, there are countries that are despised, ignored, and have no sense of existence. This is retribution given to nations or peoples that despised and ignored neighboring countries like animals and had self-centered thoughts due to superiority complex from ancient times. Therefore, human rights without discrimination are important.

In addition, the countries, which pursue their own national interests and have strong tendency towards individualism, will also live without the help of any countries. As a result of taking life of others and bring terror and fear due to greed, those countries also collapse and are destroyed as they planted, thus they live in terror and fear by being in darkness and the agony of shadow and chained (Ps 107:10), and they are only released from the prison after paying the full price of the blood.

Racism and national supremacy, chronic ills of mankind, and the discrimination will only return to you as much as you have done and God scatters the country which instigates the discrimination with contempt and scorn through all other countries. Zionism of Israel is the same as racial discrimination of today and the self-righteousness of the religions of supremacy. Human beings have seen how the Israelites have been scattered and have wondered around the world for 2,000 years, living in contempt, scorn and persecution. Like this, the law of retribution is alive and working.

Also, what about environmental disaster that increases every year? Although God shows his will through natural environment (Ro 1:20, Ps 19:1), human beings do not realize the will and just deal with it by human wisdom and science at all time. At this rate, human beings will perish or everyone will have to go deeper and deeper into the underground only to live. Human beings cannot realize such environmental problems and the will of God before such whip of God.

Therefore, the Holy Spirit forcefully said to mankind about freedom, equality, justice, human rights, environment and nuclear threat today. If any country wants to receive blessings and prosperity, it must follow this word, but which country, who, and how can keep freedom, equality, justice, and human rights? God blessed the one that had the will and faith to keep them and put into action. It is the United States of today.

God anointed the U.S. as the most powerful country in the world, i.e., “Pax country” to govern justly disordered and confused mankind. At a human level, it is true that the U.S. is ethically and morally very corrupt in part but there is hope because of God’s promise and still existing healthy churches, thus God established the U.S. as “Pax country”. God’s anointment means God’s approval and nobody can win what God established and anointed like so. Accordingly, fighting against the anointment is the same as fighting against God and it will be only mocked by God.

Why do the nations conspire and the peoples plot in vain?
The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers gather together
Against the LORD and against his Anointed One.
“Let us break their chains,” they say, “and throw off their fetters.”
The One enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them (Ps 2:1-4)

Now, the world must be united around the U.S. and keep the word of God about freedom, equality, justice, human rights, environment and nuclear issue. Rejecting this word is fighting against God. As it is a sin corresponding to disobeying, blasphemy, and slander against the Holy Spirit, there is no forgiveness for that sin. In addition, how will nations or leaders that go against this word receive the resentment, hatred, contempt and scorn come from all the damage of those who suffer, which was poured upon themselves for not observing it? The descendents down to the third or fourth generation must be accountable for the blood about the resentment and hatred left over after the person concerned received.

The word of God will be executed as it is whether every mankind believes in God or not; and agrees with the word of God or not and you will be treated just as much as you did. What will Russia which started the current war do? The way for Russia to live is to immediately turn from the war by repentance together with compensation.

Sincere repentance is to erase the black ink like resentment, arrogance of superiority, complaint, etc. of sin floating above the heads of countries, societies, families or individuals just as they planted. Russia without such repentance will be covered with the thick darkness of complaint and resentment and only a rough journey will remain on the future path of Russia. Therefore, one national leader is so important. His sin and evil remain as endless misfortune and disaster of the country not to mention the leader himself. Russia must immediately turn from the war by repentance. If it misses the chance to repent, blood must be repaid only with the blood.

Moreover, people of the world must keep the word of God about freedom, equality, justice, human rights, environment, and nuclear issue centered on the U.S. for the future of mankind. God does not rejoice in death and destruction even if they are the wicked and evil countries. Therefore, God asked people not to share in the sins of Babylon due to disobeying the word of God for the good of their own country and for the idol of the leader’s greed. In addition, God cries out not to commit evil to his children who are the people of liberal democratic countries as follows: “Come out of them, my people, so that you will not share in their sins, so that you will not receive any of their plagues” (Rev 18:4).

The word of God is progressing until people realize that the whole world does not go according to their own will but goes according to the word that God prophesied. The book of Luke says, “There will not be left one stone upon another which will not be torn down” until then (Lk 21:6). Also, according to the book of Daniel, God responds and responds until the power of the holy people, i.e., stubbornness, assertiveness, and obstinacy is all broken, thus God burns and dissolves the stubbornness and obstinacy. By doing so, God allows people to know that only God’s word is everlasting.

He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says.



I know, O LORD, that a man’s life is not his own;

It is not for man to direct his steps (Jer 10:23).

O Lord! Man does not live on bread alone, but only live on every word that comes from the mouth of God. Let every lip of our Christians confess this with one voice.

Amen. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.