Listen to the Voice of God

from the Lips of Infants and Children (II) 

(O Lord! I look at the fulfillment of prophecies with fear)


Christianity is a religion of revelation. Since God’s will and plan are hidden from human perception, if God does not reveal the will of God by revelation to the churches, it cannot be known by human knowledge forever. It is the guidance of Holy Spirit that shows ‘the good’ which is the will of God. Since the fall of Adam, the communication with God has been broken, thus this led to separation from ‘the good’, but the guidance of the Holy Spirit to lead us to ‘the good’ was restored by the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ who was the offspring of a woman. Therefore, the Holy Spirit guides us as a supervisor of the church, a teacher and a leader.

The tragedy of mankind has begun since Adam ate from the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that God prohibited. The tree was good for food; and delight to the eyes; and desirable to make one wise, so its fruit was eaten (Ge 3:5-6). Like the serpent’s temptation such as “In the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil,” even today all human beings are discerning good and evil in their own way away from ‘the good’ which is the will of God. Namely, they use judgment, condemnation, and wisdom in their own way. As a result, they will take care of only destruction by eternal thistles and thorn bushes; and they will only carry out futile things like chasing after the wind, thus they only fulfill the word, ‘all is vanity’ (Ecc 2:11).

God had mercy on mankind, thus He gave the Law through Moses 3,500 years ago. The Law is the law of rise and fall of all mankind, living in the flesh. ‘The flesh’ refers to all the life to live with beast’s instinctive desire, and blessings and curses are justly determined according to Law.

Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, impurity, sensuality,
Idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions,
Factions, envying, drunkenness, carousing, and thing like these (Gal 5:19-21).

It is sin to act without control according to such instinct of the flesh, and it is the Law to bind, sanction, and neutralize the sins. Therefore, in order to be free from sin and evil, all other thoughts and actions must be controlled in accordance with the Law. However, it is difficult for human beings who live according to the instinct of the flesh to keep the Law. Even if they understand and recognize the truth, they try to fulfill their own purpose by rejecting the truth because of greed, their lust. The result has been always solved by the logic of human power.

Such logic of power seems to be solved, but it still flows according to God’s law as history testifies and says. Namely, the more they use power, the more cruel and ruthless they are; and they pile cruelty and ruthlessness on their heads by the law of retribution, thus they suffer the pain of cruelty and ruthlessness, and if the sin overflows, the pain goes down to 3-4 generations. Like this, in accordance with the Law, and according to their deeds, no one can escape from the bondage of their lives which they face directly.

Like this, the one who shines the light of salvation on those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death and leads them in the path of peace is Jesus Christ who was born of the Virgin Mary 2,000 years ago. And now, the age of the law of the Holy Spirit is opened so that we can know the ‘the good’, the will of God, through the Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of Jesus Christ. The law of the Holy Spirit, i.e., ‘the good’ which is the word that God directly educates and teaches is possible only when perfect love is fulfilled (1Co 13).

To fulfill perfect love, when they cry out, seek, and find their short comings on the basis of the Beatitudes, the Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of Jesus Christ helps them to reach the love. Only then, the following word is fulfilled: “Now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known” (1Co 13:12).

Like this, the Lord appears in our spirit and He will put His laws in our heart, on our mind He will write them (Heb 10: 16-18). This is ‘the good’. Therefore, no one can see the Lord unless he dwells in love. Namely, one cannot know the will of the Lord. For that reason, the Lord said that He would disclose Himself to those who keep His commandments (Jn 14:21). As Christians are now believers who live according to ‘the good’ that guide them through the Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of Jesus Christ, the perfect way to achieve salvation, life and eternal life is restored and opened for anyone who believes.

Because the word of ‘the good’ is not a worldly thing, it is mysterious, preposterous, illogical and absurd; and it is just ridiculous in the human eyes. Like this, the stone which the builders rejected has become the chief corner stone. This is the Lord’s doing (Pr 118:22). The word of ‘the good’ is believed only in the heart of good soil, which is in love. If you have not been able to make the heart of good soil, the faith about the word disappears; and even if you want to believe, you can never believe it because you are trapped in common sense, thus Sunday sermon is a ‘sleeping pill’. Sermon is a powerful sleeping pill to Christians who do not repent. Even if you believed at the time of sermon, your faith was dried up and dead like a seed planted by the roadside soon after coming out of the church.

Like this, they were the blind, who did not see while seeing and did not hear while hearing, but they had to convert their faith to common sense in order to have faith in Christ. It is Nicolaitans; and ministers enter the path of Balaam if they are not on the alert. Nicolaitans testified and served God with theory, logic and persuasion by using everything if possible including philosophy, literature, etc., but rather this became a vain worship. Because there was not the Holy Spirit, it was degenerated into the faith of the descendants of Korah who destroyed the word of God and the order of church; and the faith Edom who sold the mission of steward for one bowl of lentil stew. Therefore, the Bible says, “If anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Him” (Ro 8:9).

Like this, Christianity has worshiped God in vain with the commandments of man for 2,000 years, thus Jesus Christ said that it was ‘lawlessness’ (Mt 7:21-23). In order for Christianity not to be lawlessness, it must grow from the faith of the Law to the faith of the law of the Holy Spirit. If the churches of today shout out of love and do not know the law of the Holy Spirit, then they have not fulfilled love and are still in the faith of the Law. They are still in the faith of the Nicolaitans, Balaam, Korah and Edom, and they are judged by God as punishment until they return to God through repentance from heart. The punishment is judged by the law of justice as 2 times, 4 times, 7 times or 77 times as sin according to the nature of sin.

Like this, sin is accompanied by judgment. In the process of the law, the Law is justly executed as the Law of Moses’ eternal ordinances and statutes, but the law of the Holy Spirit is judged by compassion and mercy according to the law of grace. It can be said that grace is like a grandfather who has endless tolerance, forgiveness, compassion, mercy, love, etc.

Because those who do not keep the Lord’s commandments which are the righteous conducts of the saints, i.e., those who do not dress in fine linen cannot sustain salvation, Christians should bear in mind two things in order to be under the law of grace. First, I must forgive others to receive forgiveness. If I do not keep this law, I will be judged by justice of the Law. For that reason, I must be in love.

“If you forgive others for their transgressions, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.
But if you do not forgive others, then your Father will not forgive your transgressions”
(Mt 6:14-15).

Second, we must unconditionally believe the word guided by the Holy Spirit. Namely, we must surely remember that disobedience, violation, and blasphemy against the Holy Spirit cannot be forgiven (Mt 12:31-32). Until now, Christianity has focused only on salvation but neglected to preach that sin and evil are always accompanied by disciplinary action and punishment of lash.

If anyone believes in Jesus Christ, all his sins are forgiven and he can be reborn as “righteous man.” However, we must remember that the one who received cancellation of 10, 000 talents but does not forgive the other one who owed him one hundred denarii; the one who does not forgive his brother from his heart; the one who does not dress in fine linen; and the one who disobeys, violates and blasphemes against the Holy Spirit cannot be forgiven until paying up the very last cent (Mt 12:31-32, Lk 12:10, Mk 3:29). Therefore, it is recorded in the book of Hebrew as follows:

For in the case of those who have once been enlightened and have tasted
The heavenly gift and have been made partakers of the Holy Spirit, and
Have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the age to come,
And then have fallen away, it is impossible to renew them again to repentance,
Since they again crucify to themselves the Son of God and put Him to open shame (Heb 6:4-6).


For if we go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth,
There no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a terrifying expectation of judgment and

In addition, Christianity must preach with salvation that the names of Christians are excluded from grace due to omission until they truly repent from the heart.


Hallelujah, Hallelujah. To God alone be the glory forever and ever.


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