Does the United States of America Have Security and Peace?

(Where is the U.S. going now?)

The present world is in the period leading to the final judgment of God as a conflict between good and evil along with ideological conflict. There was no chaotic period in the last 100 years in the history of mankind. Due to various natural disasters such as earthquakes, forest fires, tornadoes, etc. occurring everywhere in the world; pandemic caused by Coronavirus 19; and civilization that changed when waking up and rapid change of environments, our society has turned into a dishonest society that is confronted each other and divided by being trapped in rumors and rumors in chaos and confusion in values. Why are these phenomena happening?

God manifests the will of God through natural phenomena. For that reason, the Bible says, “His eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse” (Ro 1:20; Ps 19:1). Numerous forest fires such as big forest fires in Indonesia and Australia a few years ago; forest fires in the Amazon rainforest and the United States today, etc. show the wrath of God. Like this, prophecies are eternally being fulfilled.

For a fire has been kindled by my wrath, one that burns to the realm of death below.
It will devour the earth and its harvests and set afire the foundation of the mountains (Dt 32:22).

Moreover, incidents in which the water of rivers and streams turns bloody color occur here and there. As the incidents happened in Egypt 3,500 years ago (Ex 7:19; Ps 78:44), it is a warning that God will find the blood from shedding blood. Like this, God is declaring the day of God’s wrath through various environmental disasters. The cause is that sin has prevailed away from God like the time of Noah (Ge 6:5).

Everything that starts from God such as God’s will, word, etc. is ‘good’, but everything that human beings do at their will is ‘evil’. When human beings do ‘good’, the will of God, blessing, and life come to them. On the other hand, when they do ‘evil’ away from the will of God, tribulation such as fear, despair, destruction, failure, pain, etc. and disaster come to them (Cf. ‘The Covenant of Tears, the Last Promise of God’ in 2017). Therefore, Jesus Christ also says, “Man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God” (Mt 4:4).

The reason why human beings face the current tribulation and disaster is that they did ‘evil’ away from God’s ‘good’. Evil is just an illusion like a fog that comes out for a while and fades away. For that reason, it cannot bear fruit eternally and there is no life in evil, thus it is like a dead seed cannot sprout. Because ‘the good’ is the source of life, 1% of living life will sprout like a phoenix even though 99 % of it becomes rotten and spoiled.

Therefore, the Lord said that we could receive salvation if we had faith as small as a mustard seed. However, evil is already surrounded by death because its essence itself is death, and it deceives itself and is deceived by a shadow and an illusion which are not living even if it is alive now and the future is led to death and destruction. Even if evil nations and the wicked keep on rolling with evil wishes and expand their power, they are bound to perish because there is no life in them.

Evil is eternal destruction and eradication, whereas ‘the good’ is to pick fruit as eternal life and resurrection. Therefore, this earth extends to life and continues to pass down to eternity. In other words, the rise and fall among human beings occur according to God’s command and the promised truth and the Bible leads us to eternal life as a lesson to testify this. The Bible contains all the answers such as salvation, life, everlasting life, etc., thus we must not deviate from it.

It is faith that does not deviate from the word of loving your neighbor as yourself, the command of love. Those who deviate from it cannot be led to salvation. Our human beings conflict between greed which is the human desire and the truth which is the word of God. However, as if nobody drinks the poison after knowing it is poison, we must overcome any temptation with regard to evil away from the word of God.

If there is even 1% of God’s word which is the truth in our spirit and there is life like so, God brings his children back to life by any means as if parents do not give up their incurable children to the end and try to save them through surgery. Like this, God will not break a bruised reed and He will not extinguish a dimly burning wick (Isa 42:3).

The way to heal children is to filter out remnants of evil by training and let them know that everything is just fulfilled according to the word of God in the end (Dt 8:3; Ecc 3:18). Like this, God removes cancerous lumps of their lust and desire through disasters and tribulations. The tribulation is also called training. Through this training, God removes the remnants of evil. The day when the remnants are removed is until the time when the heart to pursue desire, the power of the holy people, is finally broken (Da 12:7).

The Book of Daniel records that the day of tribulation continues until the person sincerely repents by realizing that his lust is wrong. For that reason, the Bible says, “Some sat in darkness and the deepest gloom, prisoners suffering in iron chains, for they had rebelled against the words of God and despised the counsel of the Highest” (Ps 107:10). Like this, human beings are facing tribulation and disasters like today because they did evil away from God’s ‘good.’

Does the United States of America Have Security and Peace? - The absolute reason why the United States must return to the spirit of America as soon as possible

God chooses one country among Christian countries and establishes it as the most powerful superpower in order to prove that blessing is given when ‘good’ which is the word of God is kept. By doing so, God allows people to know that they are blessed if they believe in God. Moreover, it shows God’s love to save aliens. The country is the United States of today.

God established the Declaration of Independence and the Statue of Liberty as American conscience in order to set up the U.S. as the most powerful superpower i.e. the country of stewardship ministry. The reason why the U.S. could stay as the most powerful superpower in the meantime was the American spirit which was deeply engraved in the mind of the American people. In other words, justice, freedom, and equality are to fulfill love which is the Lord’s commandment to love your neighbor as yourself. Such spirit of the national foundation of America implies and integrates all religious teachings and it is the best human spirit that is close to love, the commandment of Christ. (The first commandment which is to love God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength is more added to Christians. Only the love of the second commandment which is to love your neighbor as yourself is just humanism excluding the first commandment.)

The elements of the fundamental attribute of love are life, prosperity, peace, and wealth but greed away from love is idolatry (Col 3:5) and has the attributes of misfortune, death, and curse in all things. As the spirit of justice, freedom, and equality is close to love, this spirit is the crossbar of blessing and curse because when it is kept, the blessing is received, but when it is disobeyed, the cure is received as people acted.

In other words, not justice, freedom, and equality but evil such as suppression, exploitation, grievance, resentment, complaint, curse, criticism, hatred, etc. is poured into the head of each individual, family, society, the country as each behavior according to the law of sowing and reaping. Therefore, Jesus said, “treat people the same way you want them to treat you” (Mt 7:12). Like this, the pride and dignity of existence for each individual, family, society, and country are protected on this foundation of this spirit but human beings will only end in vain destruction forever away from this. The lampstands of the Gospel of Rome, Portugal, Spain, and England which were former Pax nations were moved because they left such spirit.

How is the U.S. of today? The American spirit has faded with abundance; unilateralism and an idol of racial discrimination were established in that place; and antagonism among people, conflict, division, hatred, etc. have been promoted. Moreover, God asked for natural environments, nuclear issues, and global human rights problems which were the most urgent problems to be solved, but they were overlooked, thus these have provoked God’s wrath. (Cf. “I would like to deliver the word of God to all mankind and politicians of each nation.” in 2015)

‘Evil’ away from God cannot be established forever and it is nothing more than a midsummer weed even though it thrives. The United States must return to the love of justice, freedom, and equality which are the spirit of America as soon as possible. Otherwise, God had already warned that He would move the lampstand as a hegemonic power. (Cf. ‘Dear American Christians, Do you really want to watch the sinking of America?’ in 2011) People of the world earnestly want to have a leader who can put a stop to all the chaos like today, but there will never be such a leader forever.

Now, human beings must know that they cannot gain anything with human wisdom, scheme, trick, falsehood, and power away from ‘good’ which is the will of God. Because ‘good’ can be known only through Jesus Christ, only Jesus Christ is our eternal leader (Mt 23:10) our teacher (Mt 23:8), and the Messiah who can guide us (Isa 55:4). Accordingly, only a leader who follows and obeys the word of ‘good’ guided by Jesus Christ can be a true leader who even further embraces human beings beyond his country as well as for his country.

Now, God wants an American leader to be the one who fears God, embraces human beings with ‘love’ like a mother and has magnanimity, loves justice, freedom, and equality which are the spirit of America; and on top of that spirit, pleases God by solving natural environments, nuclear issues, and global human right issues that God demands in this age. Like this, God only wants a servant after God’s own heart like David and only such a leader will be the future of the United States of America

The Emergency Exit in the Day of Trouble is Only Repentance

As Elijah proved by confronting 850 idolaters on Mount Carmel in order to show who true God was, God will prove whether the testimony of God’s word is true or false from now on. The choice is dependent on His people, and God does not take any side. God will judge just according to God’s law only on the side of justice.

However, God says until now, “Come out of her, my people, so that you will not participate in her sins and receive of her plagues; for her sins have piled up as high as heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities”  and urges them to repent (Rev 18:4-5). The emergency exit in a day of trouble like today is only repentance; and it is the emergency exit which leads to eternal hope for human beings. The emergency exit is always open. Therefore, God is a God of love.

Among leaders of the world, the achievements of Germans and their leader Chancellor Angela Merkel who had sincerity of repentance, former French President Francois Hollande who defended love with peace instead of bloody retaliatory war, former U.S. President Barack Obama who prevented chaos and conflict of this age with himself by faith in the fear of the Lord, and former Speaker of the House John Boehner who feared God and cherished honor have been remembered by God, and what the leaders did by faith will shine forever and ever in the history of Christianity.

Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.

The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever. Amen.