Dear Americans! Remember the Declaration of Independence


Currently, people of the world are living day by day without a single easy day due to wars, terrors, refugee problem and racial tension from such wars and terrors, environmental disasters such as drought, flood, etc. Although mankind sincerely wishes peace and security, rather only grudge, resentment, curse, abhor, hatred, and conflict are becoming amplified. Today, suffering and painful disaster blown to mankind cannot find a way to escape; rather it is in conflict and confusion. The Bible clearly indicates the reason. The reason is that mankind left God’s Law.

God directly revealed the way to live an ideal life to Moses 3,500 years ago. God proclaimed the Law to receive the blessings on Mount Gerizim and the curse on Mount Ebal, and He rules the realm of all mankind according to the Law (Dt 27-28). In other words, when this Law is kept, blessings are fulfilled but when this Law is not kept, curse is fulfilled, thus it is the eternal Law which leads to making judgment for life and death as well as fortune and misfortune within human lives.

The core of such Law is that firstly, you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind; and secondly, you shall love your neighbor as yourself. It can be summarized by these two commandments and on these commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets (Mt 22:37-40). Like this, the only thing that God asks mankind to do is to “love”. Because mankind left this love, whether it is an individual, a family or a nation, not one stone will be left upon another, it is tearing down, crumbling to dust, and failing.

The Bible precisely shows how this Law has been executed and accomplished in real lives. God has been showing to mankind the example through one country called Israel and its people as a whole by becoming a sample nation of blessings and curse for 3,000 years. Ultimately, God is showing to people through the pain of Israel that ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God’ (Mt 4:4). Mankind should cherish this lesson and take precaution not to let the suffering of Israel up to now be in vain.

Not only the people of Israel but also all of mankind receives a precise and righteous judgment according to whether this Law which is God’s word is observed or not. This judgment is carried out by the law of retribution. As the law of retribution means the law of reaping what you sow, if you sow love, you reap love; and if you sow faith, you reap faith. In addition, if you take something from other people, you must pay back 4-7 times or up to 77 times what you took, and the borrower becomes the lender’s slave until he pays back all debts. Like this, every careless word that each individual and people of each country speak shall give an accounting for it in the day of judgment according to the law of retribution (Mt 12:36).

Like this, one of God’s attributes is God of retribution and judgment. In particular, as God is a judge for the weak, the fatherless and the widows (Ps 68:5), God hears grudge, resentment, curse, etc. of every people and nation; and judges righteously according to the law of retribution like saving Israel due to hearing complaints about injustice and cry by the Israelite people who were abused in Egypt.

● The US is a nation which was established by God of justice and retribution.

The US is a nation which was established by God of justice and retribution. Great Britain was the world’s most powerful superpower before the rise of the American Revolution. However, Great Britain did not play a role as the most powerful superpower. Rather, it established colonial countries in the world for its own national interests like alien countries, thus it earned grievance and resentment from colonial countries. One of those colonial countries was America.

As seen in the Declaration of Independence, when Americans cried out for the justification of the reason why America needed independence by enumerating Britain’s faults one by one to God who saw everything with eyes like a flame of fire, God made America be an independent nation to bring justice after God heard such resentment. Therefore, the founding principle of America described in the Declaration of Independence is that all men are created equal, and they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights. Among these are life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. Men organized governments to protect these rights. In addition to Independence of America, God transferred the candlesticks of mission given to Great Britain to America and established America as the most powerful superpower in the world.

In that case, does the US of today as the nation celebrated 240 years of the independence faithfully play the role which God established as the most powerful superpower in the world? Until a few decades ago after the end of the Second World War, the heart of fearing God and the spirit of giving to the poor were vividly alive in American churches and Christians. Although American people were also in difficult situation, they scrimped on a spoonful of coffee and sugar; and a handful of floor so that they fully devoted themselves to donating to poor countries in order to keep the commandments of the Lord.

God received the glory with respect to feeding and clothing the needy in such poor countries, and He was very pleased with it. However, such Christian love and the founding principle of forefathers are fading away in the US of today, whereas idols such as ethnic chauvinism, racism due to black and white issues, etc. are set up in that place; and antagonism, conflict, division, and hatred are promoted among people, which are triggering the wrath of God.

● The US should break down ethnic chauvinism, racism, etc. which are modern idols; and win with the Lord’ commandment, “love your neighbor as yourself”.

Idolatry is a main cause to evoke the immediate wrath of God. The source of incident for the division between Judea in the south and Israel in the north was due to the rejection of a petition for lightening the hard service started from King of Solomon, the preceding King (1Ki 12:1-20). The spiritual source of it was due to previous idolatry by King of Solomon and no repentance about it (1Ki 11:11-13).

Like this, idolatry is a main cause to evoke the wrath of God, but almost all modern people worship Baal which is a typical idol in the Old Testament Era. Baal has a meaning of a landlord and an owner. To worship Baal means to do away with love, which is God’s Law; and the desire of the flesh belongs to the earth (Col 3:5), which is the power of death, is nested within themselves as a master and they worship the attributes of desire as much as they like. Spiritually, this is Baal idolatry.

"Whatever belongs to your earthly nature:
sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry (Col 3:5),
and the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: 
immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger,
disputes, dissensions, factions, envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these" (Gal 5:19-21).

Like this, idolatry in the Old Testament means to worship stone, wood; or to make any form of a man, an animal, etc. and to worship it instead of God, whereas idolatry of today means to be pleased with immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed which are members of the earthly body as well as any form; and all activities to fulfill man’s desires by worshiping these things like God, departing from love which is God’s Law..

Among many trends, the typical trends are ethnic chauvinism, racism, the trend to exclude other ethnic groups, etc. However, nothing can be acquired by ethnic chauvinism, racism, etc. but the price is simply to harvest the fruit as scorn, contempt, abuse, slander, and disdain as much as they feel their own superiority and discriminate against others according to the law of retribution.

In particular, God’s word of warning about ethnic chauvinism gives mankind a lesson eternally through the typical history of Israel. Zionism of Israel is that Israel is a nation which directly received grace from God and has been established with such pride and self-esteem. This has been shown as ethnic chauvinism which does not recognize other ethnic groups.

The result of such ethnic chauvinism was led to suffering for 1,000 years as prophets prophesied just as they were after King Solomon. There was a chance of salvation due to Jesus Christ, rather Jewish people denied Jesus Christ and made him undergo the suffering on the cross. As a result, they had been scattered all over the world and wandered around without a nation for 2,000 years and they became a misfortunate people who paid the price by suffering, hardship, contempt, scorn, and abuse (Dt 28:63-64).

The peak of hatred and hostility against Israel was finally shown by one person from Germany. After the Second World War and paying back all the price of sin by scorn, contempt, and abuse for 2,000 years as much as the amount of sin which they felt superiority to other people, they could make a fresh, new start together with founding a nation. Such tragedy all came from “ethnic chauvinism”.

Every human being is more afraid and fearful of being discriminated from someone with scorn, contempt, and abuse than death. The US is a nation which was established at the risk of lives of forefathers who disliked to be discriminated with faith and scorn, contempt, abuse, etc. due to poverty. However, in such a country, people departed from God’s Law; established idols such as ethnic chauvinism, racism, etc. which discriminate between superiority and inferiority of ethnicity or race, respectively; and the national schism is taking place due to mutual hatred, resentment and abhor.

As the national schism eventually makes a country in trouble with mutual hatred and antagonism due to opposing claims as already shown in Brexit, claims for Scottish independence, etc., people want to resolve everything by human wisdom and knowledge because untruth, confusion and lack of common sense are rampant in this kind of situation. However, even if humans mobilize all means and ways such as exceptionally outstanding wisdom and knowledge, schemes, plots, etc., they cannot gain anything if there is no God’s permission. Even one sparrow falls to the ground (Mt 10:29) and; although many plans are in a man’s heart, everything is only dependent on God’s will (Pr 19:21). Therefore, Jesus Christ already presented a solution 2,000 years ago to people to keep God’s Law in this kind of situation,

Jesus Christ said, “There will be a great tribulation” and “Then if anyone says to you, ‘Behold, here is the Christ,’ or ‘there He is,’ do not believe him.” This means that Jesus Christ asked people to flee to the mountains without hearing the opinions offered for the currently facing national crisis and peace, i.e., many words argued from here and there that this was a way to escape from a national crisis. The mountains mean that only the Law proclaimed on Mount Gerizim and Mount Ebal was everlasting law, thus people must keep the Law by holding on it without missing it (Mt 24:16-23).

As the Law was the core of the Law of Moses as previously mentioned, to love God and to love your neighbor as yourself, which are two commandments. God says that there is woe to those who cause a national schism by encouraging and using evil such as ethnic chauvinism, racism, etc. and mislead it as good to fulfill their own benefit and purpose without keeping this Law (Isa 5:18-25).

"Woe to those who call evil good, good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter..." (Isa 5:20)
"Woe to those who drag iniquity with cords of falsehood, And sin as if with cart ropes..." (Isa 5:18)

Like this, while God gives blessings, He turns to curse right away if people depart from love which is God’s Law and worship an idol (Dt 28:63). Specially, when a Christian country departs from the word of God without keeping it, God executes law seven times (Lev 26:16-32) for its sins stage by stage (Lev 26:16-32). The first stage is to strike the Christian country through an alien nation. In other words, the alien nation rises rapidly.

“The Lord will bring a nation against you from afar, from the end of the earth, as the eagle swoops down, a nation whose language you shall not understand" (Dt 28:47-50).

Migration period which happened by the Huns at the end of 4th Century could have many factors in historical perspective, but this incident happened due to the rapid rise of the Huns, an alien country when Rome which was the most powerful Christian superpower at that time could not carry out its mission because it departed from the word of God in the light of the Bible.

Likewise, when the soul of Christianity declined in the midst of plenty and Americans left the word of God, the sense of crisis regarding the US could fall in all fields such as politics, economy, etc. has been heightened; and China, an alien country, became a big threat to the US by a rapid rise at the same time. With regard to the rapid rise of China, it seems that excellent politicians revived the economy of China, but the sudden rapid rises of alien countries in economy, military, science, etc. are God’s whip and rod to call His children to come back.

Now, in order not to receive such whip and rod from God, the US must break down idols such as racial discrimination including ethnic chauvinism and black and white issues without fail and win with love, returning to the word of Jesus Christ, “Love your neighbor as yourself”. Then, the US can keep ‘justice’ which is the requirement of being the most powerful superpower in the world.

● The life of the U. S. is to keep ‘justice’ and ‘the justice’ must be continuously inherited.

In the US, ‘justice’ based on love of Jesus Christ is life. The reason is that the US has a mission as a police nation to redress injustice occurring everywhere in the world and fulfill the judgment of God. If the US loses justice and pursues its own national interest by following in the footsteps of the most powerful countries in the old days, the US can never carry out the mission given by God anymore. The evidence of lost justice appeared as hatred against the US. As incidents such as 9/11 terrorist atrocity happened as direct expression of hatred and hostility, such hatred has been judged right away by God of retribution so that the hatred has prevented prosperity of the US. This is the reason why the Lord innumerably asked the US to establish justice.

For the last eight years, the US has re-established justice which had been lost with great difficulty and it has been recognized from the world. At this stage, if the US returns to ‘America first’, the future of the US can never be guaranteed. Therefore, justice should be continuously inherited also in the next government without fail.

In the global trend, today women leaders are scrambling to come out and they are leading the world. In the age of extreme selfishness and cold-heartedness like today, women leaders who instinctively possess potential maternal love should be produced. It is absolutely necessary to embrace pain and; feed and clothe those people who are hurt and hungry in poor countries by spreading a helping hand with love, the commandment of the Lord, like maternal love. The US is no exception to this.

As recorded in the Bible that the Lord had created a new thing in the earth—a woman would encompass a man (Jer 31:22), He foretold the production of women leaders through the symbolism of the Statue of Liberty 130 years ago. It does not mean every woman but means women leaders who brighten up the world with the true spirit of the US as freedom, the torch of salvation and justice by taking the Declaration of Independence as a basis.

Jesus Christ sincerely hopes to begin the mission of the US starting from these leaders like symbolism as it is. In addition, now, Jesus Christ sincerely wants that the Liberty Bell which has been broken until now will be re-created to ring for the freedom of the world in reality from a symbol, thus it will carry out the mission of watchman by ringing loudly for the order and freedom of the world.

As mentioned above, when the US breaks down idols such as ethnic chauvinism, racial discrimination, etc. and stands up for ‘justice’ based on the love of Jesus Christ, the US can play a role as the most powerful superpower which pleases God. In the world of today, evil is merging with evil, whereas good is merging with good. Good means to believe and keep the word of God, i.e., the law; and evil means to plan everything and proceed as human trick, wisdom, knowledge, and power which are away from God’s law. However, the darkness does not overcome the light, and there is the US at the center.

Whether willing or not, the US as the most powerful superpower in this age is a nation which will show Christian gospel and ‘example’ as a witness of Jesus Christ. I sincerely pray that American churches and Christians should not neglect the word of Jesus Christ and should not lose the candlesticks of God’s inheritance. I would like to deliver the word of our Lord Jesus Christ who is alive to 340 million people of the US.


The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever.

To the only God be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.