Dear American Christians, Ministers, and Priests


Today, the United States of America enjoys a position of unparalleled military strength and great economic power as a single world super power. The reason why God made America such a super power as a Christian country is to preach the good news to all mankind on the basis of its power. By doing so, when foreigners who do not believe in God see its act of love, they will recognize God’s love to save them.

Therefore, now America should go beyond its own interests and protect peace and security for the world. By doing so, Americans should witness foreigners about love, which is God’s truth and expand the kingdom of God. This is the purpose and reason why God made America today as the world’s greatest super power. However, what kind of behavior does the United States exhibit toward the world today?

If American ministers knew God’s will and plans for the world, and they could take proper responsibilities for their roles and missions, then this world would not be filled with sins like this much. As a result, a lot of worldwide catastrophes such as natural disasters, wars, terrors and outbreaks of diseases could be avoided. For these reasons, God brought his wrath on American Christians, especially ministers who did not properly preach the good news, thus God is looking for those responsibilities.

I think that these days God had already sent many messages expressing his will about America and urging American Christians to repent through ministers in America. However, God appeared once again to this very small and little person and asked me to send this message. Therefore, in order to follow his sincere will, I would like to send God’s message to Christians, ministers and priests in America.

1. Is the United States faithfully taking responsibility as a country of the eldest son?

Today, the United States as a Christian country has been a super power, which itself shows this is a God’s called country, carrying the God’s great responsibility called human salvation. Such a blessing is to become a blessed country, which is the God’s promise given to Abraham. Therefore, all humans should live by that blessing and the country should be the source of the spiritual and physical gospel of Christ. Like this, the covenant about the blessing that was given to the nations sought God, had been faithfully continued to the United States starting from the ancient Rome through Portugal, Spain, and England. Therefore, as the two thousand years of Christian history had been proved, the country serving God sincerely has been the world’s most powerful center in culture, economy, and military and it can be shown as a formula as well. Then, what is the purpose of God to establish a Christian country and give it a blessing? The reason is that God wants to save all mankind by preaching the gospel, externally revealing his love in this world.

In other words, Christianity should be beyond all of the world’s religion, ideology, race, and boundaries, etc. and should be a peace guard and a refuge for peace and security of all mankind. Moreover, providing these to all mankind is the duty of the United States. The reason is that the world super power as a Christian country is the country of the eldest son who receives an inheritance and a possession of God. As the eldest son should take care of his family with all the blessings inherited from his father and authority, the United States has the responsibility and duty to keep peace and security for all mankind as a country of the eldest son who inherited the possession called the world super power. In addition, Christian gospel should externally express peace and security in the world to all mankind in this manner together with Christian love. The reason is that all human beings are equal as one family and as brothers and sisters before God beyond religion, nation, race, etc. In reality, is the United States faithfully taking responsibility as a country of the eldest son? If not, the candlesticks of the mission should be moved. Then, what is the today’s self-portrait of American Christianity?

2. American Christianity has degenerated into pragmatic Christianity.

Although these days American Christianity has earnestly practiced its faith in its own way, it has been only irrelevant physical growth, whereas spiritual growth has been stagnant. As a result, today American Christianity has degenerated into self-indulgence and humanism that do not totally concern the will of God without any purpose and direction like a balloon, aimlessly flying in the air until all the air is exhausted. The reason is that American Christianity has degenerated into pragmatic Christianity.

Pragmatic Christianity is no less than approaching Christian faith by scientific method. When you see with your own eyes, feel with your own senses, and confirm it in person, you only believe it. With any other ways, you would neither understand nor believe it. In other words, spirit is God’s absolute domain, which is composed of the things that man can neither understand with reasons nor carry out. Man would not believe such a spiritual world if he can not understand with his reason, and he would believe only thoroughly and logically established theories or scientifically proven things.

However, Christian faith is the faith to believe the things taught by the Holy Spirit. Spiritual faith does not require the understanding of a man, but it can be reached by only obedience. According to the book of Acts in the Bible, while Peter was praying, he had a vision that God asked him to eat all kinds of impure or unclean animals in a large sheet. In those days, it was an absolute forbidden law for Jewish faith, but the Holy Spirit demanded him to do it. The true meaning of this demand was to witness a Gentile, Cornelius. In those days, the association between Jews and Gentiles was like an act of apostasy. In this circumstance, Peter believed in the word of God who worked in a vision and followed it by obedience. Likewise, spiritual faith is to believe in everything that the Holy Spirit does and follow it by obedience. Faith, as it means, is to believe all the words of God without any condition. However, with neither scientific proof nor theory, pragmatism amplifies only distrust, thus it can not reach to faith. Accordingly, pragmatic thinking can never go with spiritual faith. This is the reason why American Christianity could not grow and has naturally degenerated.

As Christianity is a spiritual religion, the entrance to the spiritual world is not scientific proof but absolute obedience. Otherwise, we must complete perfect love in our own spirit. In order to do that, we must pass a narrow and strangulated path, which requires completely killing ourselves and it is called martyrdom.

Martyrdom is to keep love in their own spirit all the time by fighting to the very end against evil, which is physical factors [sexual immorality, impurity, debauchery, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions, envy, drunkenness, orgies (Gal. 5:19-21)] in order for Christians to keep love (the commandment of Christ). In other words, Christians need to kill their physical desires and gain new spiritual lives instead through rebirth. Therefore, Christians have to fill their spirit with love through the martyrdom, which always crucifies passions and desires against love (Gal. 5:24).

Love is a creation principle and order of the whole universe and a component of the universe. As if every machine has its own operational principle and method, there was the creation principle by which God created the whole universe and human life. As it is love, every human life must live by the principle of love, which was created from the beginning of the universe. If not, human life becomes unhappy and feels agony without looking for happiness eternally. In addition, the results of sins invoke God’s wrath, and these lead to disasters. Disaster is God’s wrath in regard to departing from love and a stern judgment in regard to human sins and wickedness.

3. America should not neglect disasters, which are the voices of God’s wrath.

Look at both large and small natural disasters, terrors, wars, outbreaks of new diseases, which are taking place in America and all around the global village today. As all of these are disasters by God’s judgment, a disaster is like a red traffic light that warns human life is departing from love, which is the order of creation as if a train is derailed when it comes off tracks. If this sign of warning is ignored, the kingdom, the nation or the individual will be destroyed and the Bible is written four stages of destruction step by step from disaster to destruction. According to the Book of Leviticus in the Old Testament, when people of Israel failed to carry out all of God’s commands, God brought upon them sudden terror, wasting diseases and fever that destroyed their sight and started to drain away their lives. If they did not still listen to God, the intensity of disaster would increase by seven times per stage and disaster would continue until the last stage (the fourth stage). In the disaster of the fourth stage (the last stage), everything would be devastated, and destroyed. The destruction is the result of disobeying God’s word (i.e. love) and betrayal (Lev. 26:14-46).

Such disasters are yearning and anxious cries of God and voices of God’s wrath and these are not to destroy people but to help people to return to God, thus Christians should listen to them more keenly than others. For example, what is the reason for various disasters, which include flames burnt down many forests and the eruption of volcanoes in Indonesia several years ago? As this is the result of the wickedness of Indonesia to East Timor, there will be no development, security, and peace in Indonesia, and Indonesian people can never escape from suffering until they pay all the curses and malice of the people of East Timor. Like this, natural disasters such as eruption of volcanoes, earthquake, flames, etc., express the God’s wrath in regard to human wickedness. As shown in the Bible that human wickedness sets the forest thickets ablaze, so that it rolls upward in a column of smoke (Isa9:18), the result of wickedness burns down mountains around the world in order for human eyes to be seen.

In regard to such natural disasters, not only Americans but also people of the world regard these as unavoidable environmental disasters caused by global warming or as inevitably occurring disasters by other scientific proofs, however; spiritually, these are God’s wrath and urgent and yearning messages saying that please turn away from wicked sins and return to love that is God’s bosom.

● The Bible says the cause of diseases as follows.

Disease is a disaster given by God to each and everyone. At present, America is fighting a battle with obesity. As obesity is a curse from abundance, modern people are suffering from cancer including obesity, various physical diseases such as a cardiac disorder and mental diseases caused by insecurity, fear, anxiety, worry, despair, stress from uncertainty of the future, and depression, which is the disease of mind, biting into modern people. These are punishments regarding personal sins. As such diseases are God’s whips that let his children know who God is. The Bible says in various places that the cause of disease is the result of sins.

“See, you are well again. Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you" (John. 5:14).
“Is any one of you sick? ... Therefore, confess your sins to each other and pray for each other” (Jas. 5:14-16).
“All these blessings will come upon you and accompany you if you obey the LORD your God. However, if you do not obey the LORD … The LORD will strike you with wasting disease, with fever and inflammation, with scorching heat and drought, with blight and mildew, which will plague you until you perish” (Dt. 28:2-22).
“If you will not listen to me and carry out all these commands, … I will bring upon you sudden terror, wasting diseases and fever that will destroy your sight and drain away your life” (Lev. 26:14-16).
“Worship the LORD your God, … I will take away sickness from among you” (Ex. 23:25).

Like this, the Bible records in various places that sins are absolutely related to diseases.

Namely, all kinds of diseases are disasters, which are confronted by the people who do not listen to God. Nevertheless, modern people are trying to solve these problems depending on only medicine. However, by the time of conquering one disease, a new disease will break out and mankind will eternally only play hide-and-sick with diseases as long as they do not return to love.

Human beings face disasters in such various ways because they do not carry out love, which is the creation order of all things. In this age, God is looking for the responsibility from all American Christians and ministers. The reason is that America is the eldest son’s country that has responsibility for the entire world. As if parents are criminally responsible for the juvenile delinquent acts of their children, the eldest son is responsible for the sins of all mankind. Therefore, God is thoroughly looking for the responsibility in America.

4. The role of Christians and ministers

Christians are people who support the world with love like pillars that support buildings. Owing to the role of Christians, human beings do not perish even though they still commit sins. Namely, Christians are the salt of the earth and the light of love to guide mankind on the road of disasters in the midst of darkness and confusion as guides and protectors (Mk. 13:34-37). However, American Christians did not take responsibility for their role. In addition, once Rome, Portugal, Spain, England, and etc. took the mission as a country of the eldest son but all of them did not last for a hundred years, thus the mission of the candlesticks had to be moved here and there. The reason was that God could not possibly give them the mission as the eldest son any more due to the incompetence of priests and wickedness of Christian countries.

In the past, the people of the Western great powers that ruled colonies were consistently self-styled faithful Christians. Nevertheless, in reality, did God ask them rule other countries, gaining complaint and resentment for their own interests and were these God’s will? They suppressed other countries by force and their people were well-nourished and well-off with the things that they seized by the act of exploitation under a disguise of legitimacy. Now, by punishment for the one who has sinned, and by reward for the one who has done a good deed called the law of retribution known as “reap as you sow”, the payment for their ancestor’s good nourishment and well-being will be left with a debt as a share of their descendants and they will not get out until they have paid the last penny (Mt. 5:26).

Accordingly, any countries should not shed their blood indiscriminately by invasion of other countries. Like Jesus proclaimed, “for all who draw the sword will die by the sword (Mt. 26:52), the shedding of blood such as blood i.e. the life, resentment, complaint, damage, taking away happiness from others, intriguing, blackmail, etc. can be cleansed only by full-hearted repentance, and 4-7 fold indemnity. Without such a costly resolution and determination, any countries should not do such foolish and rash things.

When those nations carried out sinful acts, what were their priests doing? Indeed, didn’t they preach people the contents of what to restrain and what not to practice and so on together with the gospel of salvation in the Christian Gospel? They should have preached without fail that certainly, there is the law of retribution known as “reap as you sow” in the Gospel.

● What is retribution?
As retribution is for each one to pay what is due him for the things done, he will receive 30, 60, 100 fold blessing and salvation when he acts with faith and love, whereas he will pay for the price with a disaster, which is a punishment when he acts without love, namely when he commits sins and wickedness. When the act is departed from love, the affliction will be multiplied by four to seven times. In the case of blasphemy, profanity and disobedience of the Holy Spirit, the affliction will be multiplied by up to seventy times and this is called the law of retribution. Christianity should have accurately preached the law of retribution as well as salvation, however; anger and curse have been so fully covered with the blessing of salvation that they have been thoroughly excluded from gospel teaching.

Although most of ministers from the countries ruled colonies are too old, now they have to teach their descendants to cherish the wrong lessons of a heart-breaking past and from now on they should live their everyday lives in repenting and take this as their mission. It will be the reason why they have been called as ministers for their countries at present time on this earth. By repenting, they should cleanse stained complaint, resentment, curse and blood of revenge for their countries as soon as possible.

Ministers are the people who cleanse the blood of sins. As if parents pick up after their children, change diapers, wash them and do not mind all kinds of dirty works, they are cleaners who clean all kinds of sins in the world and servers who serve all mankind. Therefore, a lot of privileges and authorities are granted to servers. As Jesus said,” Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive anyone his sins, they are forgiven, if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven” (Jn. 20:22-23), although nobody gives them a credit and without name without glory, they are the cleaners who pray for their nations, repent for worldly overflowing sins and evils on behalf of others, purify and take care of sins according to their own roles of missions and calls in silence with such a power of the Holy Spirit. Accordingly, if the country as a Christian country is counter to God’s word, it is not the fault of politicians but the fault of ministers. Why didn’t they teach people to act with love, which is the truth, with granted privilege and why didn’t they pray and plea with faith to stop wrong destruction?

Politicians in the world whoever they might be, they were established by God (Ro. 13:1). Accordingly, regardless of their personalities and qualities, the role of Christians and ministers is to clear the ways for politicians to govern well by only praying and pleading with faith. In other words, if they are not satisfied with the present circumstances, they should offer up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the absolute ruler of all creation and keep guard over their nation (Heb. 9:7) not to repeat the same mistake once again, as if present fault is caused by their committed sins, they should repent and they are the ones who cleanse injustice. By doing so, worldly sins and evils should not exist and justice should be alive so that this world should be well off and peaceful. Praying for such a world is one of the essential duties for ministers. However, American ministers did not carry out such missions properly.

5. American Christians and ministers should repent.

At any moment now, in order for America to fully carry out a mission as a country of the eldest son, American Christians and ministers should repent. In addition, they should cry, ask, and seek to set their spirit with love. If it is not possible yet, they should beg with all their heart and with all their soul and with all their mind to drive out physical factors [sexual immorality, impurity, debauchery, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions, envy, drunkenness, orgies (Gal. 5:19-21)] and fill their mind with love. This is the way for Americans to restore their first love and to survive. Otherwise, like the previous countries the mission of the candlesticks will be moved.

To this servant, together with prophetic utterances in the midst of praying since long time ago, whenever I think of present giant America I have been carried away in a vision of almost ruined buildings and reduced to a begging country with a size of small South America. In addition, I have seen in a vision that America is exploited by Machiavellism of neighboring countries, being unfairly taken advantage of timelessly, and died with smoldered resentment. Also, America is simply seen as a ruined country with penetrated resentment. As a country of the eldest son, if there are no changes and repentances in America like today, God’s will and plan regarding America would be a catastrophe like Sodom and Gomorrah and America will be divided into many small countries and become one of the countries to be handed down to descendants as an old saying like Sodom and Gomorrah. In addition, current given glory and wealth will not last any longer than several ten years.

Now, listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit who speaks to all American churches.

Now, America must listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit who speaks to churches. American Christians and ministers should repent and restore their mission so that this will not take place. Moreover, even for the sake of peace and security of all mankind, I sincerely hope that America should be changed to a new Christian country.

I think that God had already sent many messages expressing his love and advice through some ministers in America. However, according to a sincere order of the living Lord, Jesus Christ who is with us forever, I would like to send this message to Christians, ministers and priests in America.

The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever.
To whom be the glory for ever and ever, Amen.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!