Dear American Christians, Do You Really Want to Watch The Sinking of America?


I greet you in the name of Jesus Christ. I have already sent the word of Jesus Christ entitled “Dear American Christians, Ministers and Priests” about four years ago in USA Today and New York Times. If there had been sincere repentance and obedience before God as the word of Jesus Christ that I had previously sent, America would not face such a difficult situation four years later and the whole world would not run into difficulties like it is today

Today, every country in the world is placed in an extreme situation and has no further place to go due to environmental disasters, economic conflicts by irrationality of the structure of market economy, political confusion, etc. Especially, the economic problem of the U.S. is not only the problem of the U.S. but also the problem of the world and particularly it is a very important problem which depends on the direct relation to the security of Northeast Asia. If the U.S. economy continues to go down like today, the world order will lead to the tragedy of a terrible catastrophe due to a full-fledged rush of competition of new superpowers.

Once again, I cry out the word of our Lord Jesus Christ to American Christians, ministers and priests. God never wants America to fall into trouble and disaster. God loves America, but America is too far away from God today. In order to overcome the present crisis, the first thing is to establish the right relationship with God as the American founding fathers did. This is the most urgent thing to do. Although people think that the cause of the Wall Street crash is due to the immorality of the people on Wall Street, We, Christians should see the spiritual cause which is above that. It is God’s discipline toward America that turned away from God.

Up until now, America has become the greatest superpower in the world because it was founded on the values of the Puritan spirit based on the center of God, namely the word of God. However, today the spirit has been degenerated into rational pragmatism which pursues the world. Rational pragmatism is to follow your own interests rather than the word of God, namely God’s law, and pursue rational, sensual and physical satisfaction without including spirit. Nevertheless, the eternal best rationality and practicality for mankind is to keep the truth, namely the word of God beyond generations.

The whole universe was created by the word of God, the Creator and prosperity, and impoverishment, and blessings and curses are executed by the word of God. Namely, blessings and prosperity will be given to people when they are obedient to the word of God and follow it, whereas disasters, curses, and impoverishment will be given when they are against the word of God. This is universal law which is operated with natural law and it is executed to all human beings regardless of whether they have faith or not at the moment, and they agree with it or not. Not only individual destiny but also family’s, society’s, and nation’s destiny are all determined according to this law. Nevertheless, men have lived with their own laws, norms, ethics, and morality against the word of God after the fall of Adam. For that reason, God has called Christians and Christian countries as witnesses against the world to show all of mankind how to live a true life by standards of living and becoming good examples.

Accordingly, Christians are witnesses who believe the truth, the word of God and testify to the world as it is in their lives. Moreover, Christian countries are witnesses to show foreign countries on the world stage that people are blessed when they believe in God, obey the word of God and follow it. For this reason, God has blessed Christian countries as the world’s most powerful superpowers in each era starting from ancient Rome, Portugal, Spain, England, etc. God’s lampstand as a superpower has been moved to the United States. Why has God’s lampstand been moved from one country to another? It is because God’s centered spirit was decayed and displaced by Man’s centered spirit. On this path, the status of every superpower in the past lost the light. Eventually, it could not bear its mission as witness so God’s lampstand had to be moved again to a right country. If that is the case, what is the situation in America today?

In order for America to recover and be the world’s greatest superpower in economy, military, and culture, America should be re-established by the values based on the center of God, namely the word of God. In order to do that, American Christianity should launch interdenominational repentance movements beyond denominations. American Christians did not inherit God’s centered Puritan spirit that the American founding fathers had established, and they let the spirit become be degenerated into Man’s centered pragmatic Christianity, which made God leave. Therefore, they should dig up all the wrongdoings one by one and repent thoroughly from the root of them to establish a right relationship with God. In addition, now is the time for American Christians to pray for true spiritual fasting as shown in the Bible to save America. The true meaning of spiritual fasting, which God has chosen, shown in the book of Isaiah from the Bible is as follows:

“Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?
Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter when you see the naked, to clothe him, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?... The mouth of the LORD has spoken.” (Isa 58:6-14)

Like this, the spiritual fasting which Christians should do involves repentance and prayer and the physical fasting involves service and aid with good deeds such as comforting and embracing neighbors who become sick, suffer and groan as if you were them and as if you were in their places and positions. By doing so, Christians should put to sleep and neutralize pains, resentment, and complaints in society and nations and make a better society and nation to live. This is the role of Christian people (Cf. Christianity should wake up from a 2,000-year sleep, arise and shine as the light comes in).

However, one of the reasons to bring about the result like today is because resentment and complaints that covered America from the past until today have blocked the prosperity and progress of America. Moreover, anxiety, horror, fear, and frustration have spread like an epidemic in America because American Christians do not play their role which they should do and love has vanished. Each and every Christian is like ‘a street light which brightens up darkness of the world’, but the light of love is completely extinguished. Therefore, naturally, America is covered with total darkness so that the darkness such as anxiety, horror, fear, frustration, distrust, etc. dominates and penetrates the lives of American people even with something very trivial.

As shown in 1 John from the Bible that “There is no fear in love” (1Jn 4:18), love is a wonder drug which cures all diseases of darkness in lives of people. Accordingly, the darkness such as mutual distrust, anxiety, horror, fear, and frustration, which has spread in America today, will disappear when Christians keep the commandment of love in their lives. Now, American Christians should make a strong decision to keep the commandment of love in their lives from now on. This is true spiritual fasting. Through such spiritual fasting, American Christians should wash away the accumulated resentments, complaints, and dissatisfactions, within America with forgiveness and love and come back to God. If there had been only ten righteous men, Sodom and Gomorrah would not have been destroyed. Likewise, as long as there are Christians who truly love God, America is strong and has hope. When the great earthquake occurred in Haiti, American Christians and people showed great interest and love, which demonstrated the possibility.

The American crisis can certainly be overcome and resolved if all Christians are united with one accord from the President down to a mere child. The present situation can be resolved not by any human efforts and wisdom but by only true repentance and prayer of faith toward God. When these are fulfilled, God’s wisdom will come upon politicians and business figures. Then they can solve all of the problems which human beings are currently challenged with such as unemployment, environmental problems, etc., due to political and economic difficulties. By doing so, America can be sustained as the world’s most powerful superpower like they are today and this is the first step to ensure world peace.

As mentioned above, now America is in a crisis. The crisis of America is the crisis of the world. In a time of American crisis, once again I am sending the message to American Christians, ministers, and priests according to an earnest word of God.

Hallelujah! The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever! Amen!

Hallelujah! To whom be glory forever and ever!