Christianity Should Wake Up from 2,000-year Sleep, Arise and Shine as Lights

(The Authority and Roles of Christians)


The Christian duty for the world is salvation, which is to keep the world from destruction. However, in today’s world, all mankind is locked in spiritual darkness. Therefore, Christians are called to shine as lights in this world of darkness. As light illuminates the darkness, the Bible says that the word of Lord is a light (Ps 119:105). Light, which is a word of God, is the truth and it is accomplished by the love of Christians. People can prevent anxiety, worry, pain, sickness, anger, etc. and praise eternal happy life by keeping love, which is the truth. On the other hand, when people leave love, they are ruled by various unwanted accidents, diseases, pains, worry, anxiety, fear, etc., and this is called disasters.
God wants people to live a happy life. Therefore, through all ages, God sent his numerous servants at important points and made them shout for love. Accordingly, from the Old Testament, ‘love’ was the core essentials of countless blames, rebuke and warnings of all prophets. In the New Testament, it was completed as two commandments and they are as follows: first, love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength; second, love your neighbor as yourself. Without listening to this cry out for love, any individual, society, and country have been destroyed by disasters. In order to cry out for love, God gave Christians, in particular ministers, numerous authorities such as power of blessing, power of forgiveness, etc.

1. Authorities of Christians and Ministers

Christians chosen for God’s inheritance are a blessing so that God will bless those who bless them, and whoever curses them he will curse, and all peoples on earth will be blessed through them (Ge 12:2). Namely, all the blessings and curses of the world are dependent on the words and acts of Christians. If anyone curses Christians, the world will be cursed, if anyone blesses Christians, the world will be blessed. Therefore, Christians should be careful of their behaviors. As Christian words and deeds are not virtuous toward the world and gentiles or they are judgmental, if people curse Christians, then the curse will return to them. Therefore, Christian words and deeds should be virtuous.

Accordingly, Christians should do good deeds so that the world makes them bless. By doing so, they become the farmers who make the world as a blessed land. Namely, Christians are blessed people whose duties are given by God, and these are to transform infertile land filled with sins and wickedness into blessed fertile land by loving even enemies. Like this, God commands Christians to keep the commandments of love. By doing so, God is trying to stop the corruption and destruction of the world.

Especially, the blessings from servants of the Lord have an influence on each individual, society, kingdom, and all mankind. Why did Balak try so hard to receive blessings from Balaam with running the risk of the destiny of the country due to a word of blessing from him? In addition, why did God try hard to stop the blessing from Balaam? Once the servant of the Lord on behalf of God declares a blessing, then God can not stop it due to the order of the universe. Namely, a blessing is the authority given to a servant of the Lord and the blessing of the servant who exercises the authority is promised by God. Due to God’s honor and authority, God can not break it for himself. Accordingly, without the blessings of ministers, the world and their flocks have hard time to grow spiritually and materially. Even if some people gain wealth and honor and grow spiritually by their own efforts, they are like weeds that flourish in gardens, so they will be pulled out by an owner at any time.

Although ministers can make mistakes and they can do wrong things, they should not be judged because they have the power of blessings. On the other hand, ministers should be careful not to abuse the power of blessings. Without knowing God’s will, if they proceed according to their own will, they will follow Balaam’s way, which is against God. Therefore, the Bible gives us a big lesson that we should not follow the crooked way of Balaam. The crooked way means lawlessness, and it is not permitted by God or it is against the will of God (Mt 7:21). Accordingly, the only way to depart from the crooked way is to seek God’s will, pursue it and confirm it over and over again in order to know what God’s will is. Like this, God allows ministers to have the power of blessings, whereas God is surely looking for their responsibility for the power of blessings. Why are most of ministers’ lives so painful, hard and beyond their power all the time without any reasons? It is due to all of their responsibility for their flocks.

Since ministers have the primary responsibility to bear all the sins of their flocks like their own sins, if they have many flocks, they have a bigger load of sins. Ministers’ lives of super churches are always difficult and beyond their power, because they have to bear the crosses of all the sins of their flocks as a whole. Their lives are as difficult and uncontrollable as the weight of their flocks’ sins.

From Christian laity’s point of view, ministers are an object of envy, but in reality, they have nothing to do with happiness until the day they die whether they like it or not. In their lives, they are the people who must have been weighed down by a heavy burden without even taking a deep breath properly. They have to bear their crosses, which are equal to the number of their flocks, to pay the price for the sins committed by their flocks.

In addition, ministers should be responsible for even every single postpositional word regarding their own sermons. As if guarantors hold themselves responsible for their own guarantees in the world, ministers are witnesses who guarantee God’s word to their flocks on security of their spirit not to mention their lives. By doing so, ministers are watchmen who protect and keep the spirit of their flocks to remain in life. The Bible warns the following: if a watchman did not hear the word of God and did not give his flocks warning from God, God would hold the watchman accountable for their blood. But if he did warn them, they did not take warning. Then God would hold their flocks accountable for their blood (Eze 33:1-7, Eze 3:17-21). In reality, has Christianity preached the word of God properly?

Human history has been stained with the history of retribution. However, Christianity has overlooked retribution due to too much emphasis on salvation. Retribution is the law- “you reap, what you sow.” If you sow good things, you will be rewarded, and if you sow bad things, you will be punished. Like this, Christianity has a duty to let the world clearly know the existence of reward and punishment. However, Christianity has ignored retribution due to the present world, i.e., punishment for wickedness because retribution was hidden by soteriology, which emphasizes heaven after death. Accordingly, if Christianity has just properly taught retribution together with salvation, the entire history of the world and mankind would have been totally changed. Let us look back our history. Today, all of us are the God’s living witnesses who can see the results of 2,000 years of history after the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day from the dead and the ascension of Jesus Christ, and see the fulfillment of even the smallest letter written in the Bible. Jews paid exorbitant price for denial, blasphemy, and slander of Jesus Christ. They had to pay the price for what they just had done by wandering from country to country and being treated like animals by every possible disdain, contempt, and inhospitality called by smelly sows. At last, they could pay the whole price for their sins through Holocaust that massacred 6 million Jews. After two thousand years from the crucifixion, they miraculously recovered their homeland, but once again they have been desperately engaged in committing sins receiving complaints and resentments from their neighboring countries due to the wrong elitism and retaliatory idea without forgiveness called ‘eye for eye, and tooth for tooth’. According to the law of retribution, once again they have to pay the price for their sins and this vicious cycle will be repeated. Through this, they should take the lesson to heart once again.

Also, this principle applies to the incidents happening in the global back-country Tibet at present. Until the Chinese people repent and pay the whole price for their deeds against Tibet, there will be no peace and security due to constant internal conflicts and disorders in China. This is because the Chinese people have to bear all the Tibetan curses toward China such as resentment, complaint, sigh, lamentation, despair, weeping, scream, fear, anxiety, etc. Moreover, such resentment will be piled up one after another and if they are left unsettled, China can never be flourished due to the overwhelming burden of those. The world should observe carefully this matter and take a lesson from it.

Like this, the world tries to live according to the logic of force based on the survival of the fittest, which is the order of animals for living, but all things in the universe and mankind’s life and death; good and evil are working only according to the word of God, the truth. It means that the rise and fall and the fate of each individual, society, and country are determined by the law of retribution called ‘you reap what you sow’. Christianity should have preached the law of retribution, which is the law of God. If retribution together with salvation was properly preached, such sins of each country could have been prevented. God is looking for ministers to pay the price of blood of sins that resulted from the fact that ministers ignored retribution and did not preach it.

Lawful servants should pay the price for the blood of their flocks by various physical diseases and pains from sickness, whereas mature spiritual servants should pay it by physical diseases and punishments of spirit. The spiritual rods which God gives to spiritual servants are tremendous punishments beyond the imagination of mankind and these are locked in the darkness of all the sufferings, fear, anxiety, and despair in the world. Only those people who were beaten with rods know such sufferings and pains. When compared with such spiritual sufferings, any pains and misfortunes in the world would be heaven.

However, God wants priests and ministers not to be beaten but to receive the fullness of Holy Spirit through sincere repentance so they can untangle intricate knots of the world one by one. In order to do that, ministers should neither expand the religious influence nor spare themselves for their own churches but should dress in fine linen and observe the world carefully. As mentioned previously, every mankind in the world is floundering in a morass of confusion called logic of market economy. As the world is divided into have countries and have-not countries haves and have-nots, only logic of force exists and this also called the law of jungle, which is life in the fast lane. As a result, sins such as mutual competition, envy, jealousy, hunger of have-nots and the deprived, sigh, outcry, hatred, wrath, complaint, resentment, insult, and curse, etc. are given to birth, and disasters are brought to mankind due to these causes.

● Causes of disasters and solutions
As if a water-mill is continuously driven by the weight of water filling every bucket of a wheel, sins such as sigh, complaint, resentment, dissatisfaction, discontent, etc. poured out from this world are piled up one after another. Due to the power of sins, disasters such as anger and curses are poured out to each individual, society, and country. Accordingly, as disasters are not happening in a day but they are bursts of fruits of sins and wickedness such as complaint, resentment, discontent, anger, wrath, sigh, hatred, etc. accumulated over long history and time, God hears all of those unfairness, complaints, and resentments and redresses them (Mic 7:7). The way to stop such disasters is to resolve the causes of complaint, resentment, curse, wrath, hatred, etc. Moreover, these causes should be resolved only through reconciliation, forgiveness, tolerance, compensation, etc. As a result, such sins and wickedness should not be come up before God.

First of all, for personal sins, people should go directly to a person concerned and sincerely repent of their sins. The Bible says, “If you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First, go and be reconciled to your brother, then come and offer your gift” (Mt 5:23-26). If a person concerned is dead, people should go to a related descendent and ask for forgiveness. After that, people should offer sincere prayers of repentance for having reconciliation with their neighbors. If the sins are not forgiven by a person concerned, the repentance would be meaningless and become void. The principle of repentance and reconciliation is that the other party’s situation and standpoint should be understood and respected before my situation, position, and moral justification and repentance and reconciliation are given according to the principle. If there is no reconciliation, the resentment and curse will follow me all the days of my life like a shadow until the whole price for sins will be paid. From that moment, all the blessings will be stopped and blocked.

“... your sins have deprived you of good” (Jer 5:25).

If reconciliation has been reached through repentance, then you should receive a blessing from the other side. Only then, the blocked wall before you will be destroyed, and God’s blessing will continue with signs of prosperity.

Also, nationally, if people want their nation to be blessed with peace and prosperity, they should not pour out their complaint, resentment, curse, discontent, etc. to their nation, especially to their king, rulers, and authorities. That is not due to their faults but due to God’s angels who execute wrong results from sins and wickedness such as their complaint, resentment, curse, discontent, etc. through their king, rulers, and authorities. Therefore, the Bible says that people should absolutely obey them.

“Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established.  The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves“(Ro 13:1-5).
“Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every authority instituted among men” (1Pe 2:13).
“Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good” (Tit 3:1).

Authority of the country given to their king, rulers, and governing authorities are established by God. The rulers with that authority as angels of God whether they like it or not are established for judgment on good and bad deeds. If the people of the country have committed wickedness, the king and the rulers of the country would lack good wisdom, and only the wisdom of darkness and death would come on them so their country would be on the road to collapse. On the other hand, if the people have lived a thankful life in the midst of good deeds and blessings, good wisdom would come on their king and rulers, so their country would be peaceful and prosperous.

Most of rulers are chosen and established by the people of the country. Although the rulers are excellent in many fields such as politics, economy, diplomacy, etc., their entire wisdom and abilities are blocked in the midst of people’s complaint, resentment, discontent, and dispute. If people of the country want their dearest wishes, peace, and prosperity, to be reflected in their country through their leaders, first they should bless their leaders as one voice.

"Through the blessings of the upright a city is exalted, but by the mouth of the wicked it is destroyed." (Pr 11:11).

However, there would be always an alienated class having discontent and dissatisfaction in any country. Therefore, wrath, hatred, slander, curse, etc. from their lips are gathered and gathered together and invite catastrophic disasters. As a result, the country will have confusions and sufferings as if it is hit by a deadly blow. Recently, there was a cyclone disaster in Myanmar and the death toll reached more than 100,000 people. This disaster happened due to the accumulated sigh, complaint, and resentment of the Myanmarese people and the only way to stop such a disaster for them is to immediately stop their complaint and resentment with one accord and they should bless the rulers of Myanmar. Such a way can never be understood by common sense of modern people, but the truth, the word of God, is that love is the only solution of all things and it is a panacea which prevents and cures everything. Therefore, the Bible says,” Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse” (Ro 12:14). Accordingly, Christians are the only people who can stop such disasters. As if damaged and defective cars are repaired in the garage, Christians are the people who repair every damaged and defective thing in the world and this is the mission of Christians toward the world. Christianity Should Wake Up from 2,000-year Sleep, Arise and Shine as Lights.

2. Roles of Christians

All things in the universe should always thank and praise God, the Creator. Especially, all lives whose purposes are to fear God should be always joyful, pray continually and give thanks and praise God in all circumstances. God will rejoice over those things. However, this world is not filled with thanks and praise toward God but filled with complaint, dissatisfaction, hatred, curse, slander, greed, selfishness, ridicule, and scream due to sins and wickedness. God will bring out justice for those who cry out to him and bring out every deed into judgment whether it is good or evil (Mic 7:9, Lk 18:1-7). In the middle, Christians should play the role of peacemaker. Accordingly, Christians should go everywhere in the world, and embrace the people whose spirits become sick and injured due to complaint, discontent, and slander. Furthermore, Christians should feel the deep wounds of sick people and heal them like putting Christians themselves into sick people’s shoes. ‘As you think, our society is not so ruthless and cruel, whereas there is warmth in the other side of the world. What you have seen is not the whole world but part of it.’ Like this, as getting closer and closer to them, they will continually expose the wounds received from their society, families, and friends to endless hatred, curse, discontent, distrust, etc., according to the extent of their wounds. As matter of fact, it is natural to have every doubt whether they will return to normal, but love will win without fail. Therefore, their spirit completely filled with distrust, complaint, slander, curse, etc. against their families, society and country should be filled with love. Like this, the role of a bridgehead to make peace with love is the role of salt. Thanks to this, the world’s destruction and corruption will be prevented.

Like this, as Jesus Christ took away the sin of the world, we should carry the crosses of sins of our neighbors who suffer from sickness and groan in pain by offering our prayers in spirit and our services and gifts of good deeds in material things. Therefore, the roles of Christians are to hush up and neutralize pain, resentment, complain, wrath in society and the country, bless rulers of the country, and prepare for a good way by repenting mistakes and faults of others as if those are done by Christians themselves. Through these prayers and gifts, Christians should accomplish two commandments, which is the completion of faith. Through prayers, the first commandment, which is to “love God with all your heart with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength”, should be accomplished by observing carefully, asking in prayer and finding out the followings: what the requirements for God’s will are at this age what makes God displeased; and what the God’s intentions are. By honestly carrying out the will taught and guided by the Holy Spirit, the first commandment, to love the Lord your God, will be accomplished. Through gifts, the commandment “Love your neighbor as yourself, which is the second commandment, should be kept and accomplished. Through only balance and harmony of two commandments, spiritual faith of churches and Christians will grow.

Love is a way to cover over a multitude of sins (1Pe 4:8), whereas a gift is a way to clean sins (Lk 11:41). As giving away gifts allows the poor live comfortably by resolving pains caused by anxiety and worry and by making peace with God, Christians should be armed with complete awareness that all of their own possessions belong to God. Because all possessions of all things in the universe belong to God and blessed Christians are stewards of God, Christians are certainly responsible for complaints of the poor. Now, of us should carefully consider the passages in James 5:1-7.all

Accordingly, if giving away gifts (salvation) is done officially or in a sense of duty or in a business manner, it is losing vitality and becomes dead. Therefore, salvation by Christians should be secretly done with the Spirit and the glory should be brought only to God. The salvation by people’s own good deeds should be revealed someday to praise them and they like to receive the glory without fail. On the other hand, the salvation by the Holy Spirit will bring the glory only to God and revealing themselves due to good deeds is unjust, shameful, bashful and awkward, which are the characteristics of the salvation by the Holy Spirit. This reason is that those people firmly believe that God does everything and borrows only their bodies. Like this, if they sacrifice themselves, go into service and give relief by the power of the Holy Spirit, they will shine as lights. To shine as lights is to reveal God in the world. Therefore, such role can be played only in the presence of the fullness of the Holy Spirit. The fullness of the Holy Spirit is that the heart of father is totally delivered to me and I am fully filled with the love of God. Because of that, I never deny their demand, my mind would not be stingy anymore and I share things together with big and right mind, wishing that the pain and anxiety of my neighbor should be relieved.

Furthermore, having heart of atonement for sins happening in the world as if you committed them and visiting alienated people and shady places, you should loose the chains of injustice one by one, untie the cords of the yoke, set the oppressed free, share your food to the hungry, provide the poor wanderer with your shelter, provide clothing for the naked, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood. Like this, you should visit the shady places in the world and manage, take care of and take away all complaint, resentment, discontent, etc. poured out from them. As this is not a physical fasting, which prohibits physical food but a true meaning of spiritual fasting, which requires sincere reconciliation, forgiveness, and giving, Christians should make peace in the middle of God and the world by looking for daily salvation and fasting spiritually for the sake of their country and all mankind. This is the time for Christianity to wake up from a 2,000-year deep sleep, arise and shine as lights. As shining as lights mean working as lights, it is to illuminate the darkness of worldly widespread suffering sigh, complaint, resentment, discontent, distrust, curse, slander, wrath, etc. This work is only possible when Christians are fully filled with the Holy Spirit.

Accordingly, the most pressing need for Christians is to be fully filled with the Holy Spirit and wash away the fruits of sins and wickedness piled up one after another through long history. This means to handle immediately frozen hearts full of complaint and resentment due to the sins and wickedness everywhere in the world. When they express sincere gratitude and repentance in their hearts and blessings come from their lips, only then the sins of complaint and resentment will be washed away. Now, Christians should take away all sins of the world, and this is the mission of Christians for the world.

The Bible says, “If you forgive anyone his sins, they are forgiven, if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven” (Jn 20:23). Like this passage, with the power of forgiveness beyond society, country, and religion, Christians should erase the scribbles of complaint and resentment that are completely filled in the world through long history. Spiritual sins and wickedness should be taken away with prayers and faith, whereas physical sins and wickedness with salvation and good deeds. In any case, we have to build better world. Only then, the thick wall of confrontation between each individual, family, society, country will be destroyed, and mutual reconciliation and peace will be produced. Accordingly, the whole responsibility of all mankind depends on Christians, especially priests and ministers and the rise and fall of the future of mankind also depends on all the deeds of Christians.

Now, Christion priests and ministers in each country should be united with them by blessings, loud cries and tears not to hand down the tragedies of mankind any longer and offer up prayers and petitions, which is the fine linen to wear at present time. Present mankind can never solve a great number of facing unreasonable problems with any power, ability, and wisdom. Only loud cries and tears streamed from the eyes of servants of the Lord secure happiness promised to their country and mankind. God wants to receive the prayers in faith. How long have priests and ministers forgotten such tears? As soon as possible, priests and ministers should wear fine linen and pray for each country with raising two hands until the moment of death, in addition, bless all mankind. If now, all of them do not wear this fine linen of ‘righteousness’, they will be deprived of their missions. If they do not bear fruits due to neglecting their missions, they will be responsible for everything. Please, do not harden your hearts, promptly be fully filled with the Holy Spirit, and carry out your proper roles and duties being faithful until death.

Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life.

He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. Amen.

Hope of all mankind! Thank you for allowing Christians to overcome temptations and wanderings, churches to realize the way to follow from now on, and mankind to know the way to avoid disasters.

Thank and praise the Lord!

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever!

My Lord! Be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen!