(Wars and the U.S.’ Role)

At present, the war between Ukraine and Russia and the war in the Middle East are still underway without coming to an end yet, and this has been being fulfilled according to the words already prophesied in the Bible. The history of mankind began with the word of God and will end with it. Just as a stream flows into a river and a river flows into the sea, any man cannot rebel against the word of God. Because God’s word is eternal and things are fulfilled according to God’s word, thus the Bible is called a book of prophecy. 

The Bible is ‘a map’ that marks the path of blessings and curses of man; and blessings and curses are chosen by man (Dt 11:26-28). In other words, whatever you did to your neighbor, you will receive just as you did in your life according to the law of sowing and reaping. Just as a waterwheel tilts when it is full of water, the judgment on sin takes place when sin is full. 

Specially, when resentment, hatred, complaints, groan and scream are filled up, it leads to explosion and this explosion is a war. As a result, human beings had 365 big and small wars on this earth for 2,000 years. Even only one hundred years ago, they experienced World War l and World War II (The Covenant of Tears, the Last Promise of God). At the center of all these, there are leaders of each country. If leaders are not able to control the desires in their mind, they will be obsessed with vain delusions so that they will justify themselves to achieve the desires and commit lawlessness such as war, dictatorship, oppression of human rights, racial discrimination, etc. without hesitation. 

By doing so, they dream of complete dictatorship and reign through iron-fist rule. Furthermore, they want to establish them as an idol and want to sit on God’s place by holding absolute power. As long as mankind exists, the leaders who chase such vain mirages will appear endlessly. However, the Bible says that this is a just vain effort to chase after the wind and nothing can be gained forever (Ecc 2:11).

Therefore, if any country wants to be prosperous, its people should not establish a leader who rules with evil such as a leader who does not fear God; a leader who causes chaos and war; a leader who asserts falsehood and conspiracies; a leader who practices dictatorship, etc. If such a leader is established, this will cause not only him but also his country to only accumulate sin and evil.

God is a God who upholds the cause (Ps 140:12, Isa 51:22). From the beginning, God created the world with ‘justice’, and God’s judgment exists to maintain the justice. Therefore, God listens to cries, prayers and wishes of unfairly treated people with eyes like a flame of fire; and judges them righteously according to their justification. By the judgment, the world is made up of relationships between creditors and debtors. The Bible records that ‘the borrower is servant to the lender’ (Pr 22:7) and Jesus Christ also said, “you will not come out of there until you have paid up the last cent.” in the parable of ten thousand talents.


Truly I say to you, you will not come out of there
Until you have paid up the last cent. (Mt 5:26)


The master ordered that he and his wife and his children and All that he had be sold to repay the debt (Mt 18:25).

What is left after invading and occupying a neighboring country by force? What remains is to become just a debtor nation that must repay its debt, thus the invaders and their descendents must pay the price in multiples until the last cent for all evil deeds committed. Like this, there are no peace and no stability in an occupying country but there are only adversities, endless poverty and division until it pays the debt completely due to endless judgment, chagrin, resentment and curse of an occupied country. 

Therefore, God says about Russia which is currently waging war with Ukraine as follows:

At present, the only way for Russia to live is to empty itself.  Return all the occupied territories of Ukraine and compensate sufficiently to restore. In addition, make ungovernable vast land independent according to ethnic groups. When a great number of environmental refugees pour into in the future, give out the land so that they can live well. Only when a leader also lives a life of emptying himself, he will finally find rest for his soul. 

It is impossible to do in reality but God hopes that a novel religious leader will come out, surely remember the word of this prophecy and carry it out when the Russian descendants cannot escape from poverty and misfortune. Only then, they can breathe a little and God will turn his head to look at Russia. 


● Regarding Middle East Wars 

All the gun powder and dark shadows that have fallen over mankind are caused by religion. Christianity, Judaism and Islam share Abraham as their ancestor whether they like it or not. The Bible says that when Hagar who was thrown out before the birth of Ishmael met the angel of the Lord near a spring in the desert beside to the road to Shur, he blessed that her descendants would be very prosperous and prophesied that her son would be a wild donkey of a man. 


“He will be a wild donkey of a man, His hand will be against everyone,
And everyone’s hand will be against him;
 And he will live to the east of all his brothers” (Ge 16:12).


Islam was originated from the descendants of Ishmael as prophesied like this. Today, the reality such as terrors, wars, etc. is made according to the prophecy. The reason why the countries surrounding Israel have harassed Israel so much and made the Israelites gnash their teeth is that Israel departed from the first and the second commandments of the Law. 

Jesus said, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments” (Mt 22:37-40).

Also, the Bible records countless times that God always raised up the surrounding alien nations and punished Israel when Israel committed sins such as idolatry, etc. God planted the role of the nations as thorns in Israeli eyes and whips in their backs to threat and bother (Josh 23:13, Nu 33:55) until Israel repent and return to God, thus its role can never be pulled out by human power, wisdom and force.   

When Israel insisted on self-righteousness, Zionism and supremacy away from love, God hided his face and turned his back just as he said, thus the Israeli people were scattered and had lived a wandering life for 2,000 years. And after serving a sentence, Israel became independent in 1948, but the Israeli people did not clothe themselves in fine linen, thus there would be gnashing of teeth. In other words, they were treated harshly by alien brothers according to the promise. Just as a criminal is locked up in prison, deprived of his freedom, and subject to supervision of a prison guard, if Israel commits sins away from the Law, then Islam appears and has the authority to manage.   

Accordingly, nobody can solve Middle East problems forever. Until the number of Christians who believe in Jesus Christ is filled in Israel, there will be always gnashing of teeth such as resentment, complaints, grudges, etc. However, the crux of the matter between Israel and Middle Eastern countries is bloody retaliation. It is a just continuing vicious cycle to amplify sin and hatred. For such problems of the world, God maintains world order by establishing a stewardship country.  

● Regarding the U.S.

All incidents that occur in the world, wars, poverty, inequality, groin, pain, resentment, etc. exist forever. In such world, God establishes a stewardship country and makes it manage for maintaining world peace and order. It is the U. S. of today. The stewardship country is to become the most powerful country in the world and to lead the world according to the God’s promise of making a stewardship country the head, not the tail (Dt 28:13). The condition is not to depart from love which is the word of God.

According to the promise, the U.S. is currently to become prosperous as the most powerful country, but why is the U.S. in disaster called poverty in the midst of plenty? (Dt 28:47-48) Even in the midst of abundance, the U.S. is always struggling with complaints, dissatisfaction, and new desires for better things rather than satisfaction and happiness. Such phenomenon is occurring throughout the U.S. such as problems with immigrants, politics, economy, etc. 

The U.S. is a country that began with immigration. In the future, the world will be flooded with countless refugees due to various causes such as environments and wars, etc. and any country will face a problem of demographic cliff sooner or later. If any country wants to become a world power, it is necessary to have a certain population at least. When that happens, the country which receives immigrants will be a world power.

Of course, problem of refugee takes on many problems. How does the world receive refugees? In addition, how does the world deal with terrorists or rebel forces hidden among refugees? What kind of way does the world accept refugees and how does mankind coexist? Regarding all of these problems, American leaders should look wider and further ahead; and they should not reject unconditionally or accept indefinitely due to party politics but rather they should solve problems through agreement of two parties and concrete agreement with leaders of each country. 

Today, the reason why God gave the problem of immigrants as a big issue to the U.S. is that Americans should face this problem squarely in advance and prevent greater misfortunes in the future. The current problem of immigrants occurring in the U.S. is that those who feel threatened by the attempt of immigrants to gain advantage over the original settlers are anxious about and impatient about gradual change in existing order and want to restore it. The result appears as racial discrimination by America first and supremacy, and there are people who intentionally instigate and take advantage of this for their own benefit. 

However, God says in the Bible, “The alien who lives among you will rise above you higher and higher, but you will sink lower and lower. He will lend to you, but you will not lend to him. He will be the head, but you will be the tail” (Dt 28:43-44). “You did not serve the LORD your God joyfully and gladly in the time of prosperity” (Dt 28:47), which is the reason for this thing happens. This means that the people are heading toward sin and evil away from love which is the truth. 

If the U.S. does not repent such sin and evil, commits sin repeatedly and worships an idol for its own desire like Israel of the Old Testament, God will lift whip as alien countries to make the U.S. be trampled or be ruled until the U.S. realizes it (Dt 32:21). This is the reason for sudden rise of communist countries such as China, etc., thus the position of the U.S. is threatened. 

At present, the U.S. is going through severe internal divisions due to political problems. Genuine political strife for national interest disappeared; and only stubbornness, arguments, repeated blaming of others, and lies are rampant. The strategy of communist countries including Russia is hidden behind that. They try to destroy or stand on top of liberal democratic countries by fully mobilizing all means regardless of ways and means.

Because the U.S. is at the very forefront of liberal democracy, it is bound to be a target in every respect such as politics, economy, etc. By doing so, their goal is at least to lead in the direction they want by moving the leaders of the U.S. or to become a hegemonic power instead of the U.S. and control the world through communism or something similar. 

As a result, Americans must think about how the U.S. had been run with all desires and immaturity for four years from 2017; how much the status of the U.S. had collapsed by doing so, and how much distrust and confusion had happened in the world. Where will the U.S. go if such situation is repeated once again? 

Some Americans rebel that why the U.S. should play a role of stewardship country which is a police state of the world and they say that only Americans should eat well and live well without needing to do it. However, with regard to not carrying out the role of stewardship country, the Bible says with a song of vineyard as follows:

“When I looked for good grapes, why did it yield only bad?
Now I will tell you what I am going to do to my vineyard:
I will take away its hedge, and it will be destroyed;
I will break down its wall, and it will be trampled.
I will make it a wasteland, neither pruned nor cultivated,
And briers and thorns will grow there.
I will command the clouds not to rain on it” (Isa 5:1-6).


The Bible records that the reason why God did like this is that “He looked for justice, but saw bloodshed; for righteousness, but heard cries of distress” (Isa 5:7). Through this process, a stewardship country started from Rome and went through Portugal, Spain, England, etc. and its candlesticks were moved to the U.S.

If the U.S. does not carry out the role of stewardship country, the candlesticks will be moved somewhere again. At this point, the most urgent thing for the U.S. is to repent. Looking at racial discrimination due to America first and supremacy, the sudden rise of communist countries such as China, Russia, etc., and such reality where the U.S. itself is shaking due to severe internal division caused by their strategies, Americans must repent for having turned away from love which is the promise as stewardship country and for sins and evils that they did not serve God joyfully and gladly.

America first is idolatry to Christians. As greed is idolatry (Col 3:5), America first means that America’s own benefit and profit and Americans alone are the best and have priority, thus Christians who practice such faith are idol worshipers. If the U.S. abandons its mission as stewardship country and falls into the sins of not taking care of naked and hungry orphans, widows, the poor, homeless poor brothers, poor neighbors and countries, it is going toward the path of Sodom. One of the sins of destroyed Sodom was that it did not help the poor and the needy in its abundance (Eze 16:49). Accordingly, if the U.S. establishes a leader who advocates America first once again, this means that the U.S. will go down the path to ruin. 

The U.S. must return right away from here and must return to love again and carry out its mission as stewardship country. By doing so, as a country that stands at the very forefront of keeping the values and preciousness of liberal democracy that human beings achieved for a long time in the midst of a great deal of oppression, dictatorship and wars, a leader who unwaveringly upholds and carries out God’s will such as freedom, equality, justice, human rights, environment, nuclear deterrence, etc. must be raised up and lead the world. 

As shown above, human beings only live a life of blessing, curse, success or destruction forever just as they planted within God’s word and prophecies. Accordingly, man must not sit in the arrogant seat where he puts himself ahead of God. In other words, man must not try to be God. The Bible and history prove that this is nothing but eternal destruction. 


The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever.


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