Last Warning, Beginning of Disaster
“When You See the Abomination of Desolation, Standing in the Holy Place,
then Those Who are in Judea Must Flee to the Mountains” (Mt 24:15-16).
Mankind is going through difficult times due to environmental disasters such as heat waves, fires, earthquakes, droughts, and floods, which are increasing year by year, prevalence of epidemics, economic uncertainty, and the resulting anxiety about the future, the war between Russia and Ukraine and wounds and pains in various parts of the world. In addition, lots of pouring conspiracy theories and fake news through various mass media are ruining our lives by separating our mind and heart into distrust and division. In regard this, the Lord said as follows:
Human beings are living in modern age in which the truth that God had established has been destroyed and ruined. Now is a time of upheaval and suffering. Just as new wine should be put into fresh wineskins, the old must be discarded and empty to receive the new. Now is the time. Human beings are going through a tunnel of death according to their sin. Even though it is the same tunnel, righteous countries will go through a short tunnel, whereas wicked countries will go through a long tunnel. The period is the same but the time that each person feels is different, so it is fulfilled as the word of Job.
He makes nations great, and destroys them; he enlarges nations, and disperses them.
He deprives the leaders of the earth of their reason;
He sends them wandering through a trackless waste.
They grope in darkness with no light; he makes them stagger like drunkards. (Job 12:23-25)
Now, anybody cannot avoid the Lord’s word. Through these trainings, countries will have to realize it. The reasons why human beings have brought the results like today are that they have left ‘the good’ and love, the law of God, and have lived at their will for their lust with human wisdom and power; and Christianity and Christians could not play their roles.
The law of God is love. This law is the law of all things that are applied to even to strangers. Those who keep this law will live with blessings, whereas those who do not keep this law will live with curse. Therefore, the mission of the church is to let people know that God is alive by repeatedly testifying of the God’s law to people of the world that cannot see or hear. The Word is God (Jn 1:1). In other words, let people know the presence of living God through fulfillment of what God said as it is.
In addition, Christians are the people who should play a role of parents in the world. Just as children eventually return to what their parents taught them although they upset and do not listen to their parents until the death of their parents, people of the world receive the evidence of the truth and love one by one and join the ranks of Christian salvation someday only when Christians bear the command of the Lord and the cross of love and shine forth until the day they die.
The Lord said, “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends” (Jn 15:13). A great sacrifice to die for the Lord on this earth is that we, Christians keep love which is the commandment of the Lord in the world for Jesus Christ. This is the sacrificial sacrifice offered on this earth. In other words, it is the Lord’s command to bear the cross of perfect sacrifice as love in life and this is the highest peak of the Christian faith. It is the pinnacle of the Lord’s glory, a work of light and salt that only those who are faithful until death can climb. The Lord said to people to ask and seek grace in order to reach here, only then God pours out the promised grace and power of the Holy Spirit.
However, Christianity could not play the role of light and salt properly for 2,000 years, thus Christianity could not show the evidence of living God to the world. As a result, communist idea, humanism, heresy and false prophets like Balaam have come out and they are sitting on the place of idols by taking God’s place
In this regard, the Lord gave the word of warning that when people saw that daily sacrifice was abolished and the abomination of desolation, standing in the holy place, they would know that its desolation was begun (Da 11:31, Da 9:27). This means that the saints do not practice the living sacrifice of repentance and love which is the Lord’s commandment day after day, but do hateful things that God dislikes and detests. Detestable thing refers to the thing that God hates and it is written in the Bible and it is as follows:
There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him:
Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood,
A heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil,
A false witness who pours out lies and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers (Pr 6: 16-19).
Like this, the spirit that throws away love, the Lord’s commandment, eventually fights against God and becomes an enemy. Take a look at Hitler of Germany. As if he had been a prophet, he took advantage of nationalism and churches seduced by nationalism due to senseless blind obedience, thus they threw away love. Among pastors, just only Dietrich Bonhoeffer shouted to return to love. However, German people moved in perfect order according to the words of Hitler. As mentioned in the Bible, this refers to that sacrifice was abolished and love was replaced by the abomination.
How can some evangelicals who claim to believe in God better than anyone else set up idols such as supremacy and segregative Trumpism and take lead in supporting them with senseless blind obedience also in the US? How can racial discrimination be God’s love which is to love your neighbor as yourself? Until when do they make people worship idols in vain by human teachings under the pretense of God’s words? The U.S. must throw away idols and turn around immediately.
At present, Russia intensifies deep darkness around the world and becomes a concern due to a war with Ukraine. The war which is expected by everyone that Russia would defeat Ukraine in an instant as the second largest military power in the world is still continued until now. People of the world must observe carefully how the leader who started the war is falling through this war; and also what the Russian Orthodox Church which over 75% of people believed did when people of the world thought that this war must not have happened and spoke of peace. Indeed, was the present war the will of God? Did it follow the Lord’s commandment to love your neighbor as yourself?
A war is like a comprehensive set of all human sins. All kinds of sins that human beings can commit happen during war. The country started a war is destroyed by the blood and it must repay for all the blood until it is recovered. God already declared in the Bible that the one who shed blood could not avoid the blood.
“Surely I will require your lifeblood; from every beast I will require it. And from every man, from
Man’s brother I will require the life of man. Whoever sheds man’s blood,
By man his blood shall be shed, for in the image of God He made man” (Ge 9:5-6).
Whether it is human or beast, ‘blood’ means ‘life’. Not to eat blood means not to harm life in the flesh. Spiritually, it means not to deprive of happiness of others for the sake of their own lust and greed. Therefore, anyone must not carelessly curse in his life except for love and blessings. If anyone had abetted, slandered, exploited, murdered or cursed others under a false accusation, the blood would return to his head without fail and if the sin overflows, it will be passed down to the third or fourth generations and the price of the blood must be paid up to the last cent.
The person who committed a sin will have different fate from that moment on as a debtor who has to pay the price for the sin. A debtor becomes a creditor’s slave and ruled by the creditor (Pr 22:7). In addition, even if a creditor country is a small and weak country, a debtor country cannot win over it with any leader’s leadership, scheme, wisdom, power, ability, money and military power forever because the earth loses its effect until the debt is paid up.
Until the resentment of each and every people of the creditor country is satisfied, a debtor country is deprived of sovereignty as much as the amount of resentment and curse; and national development and prosperity are restricted and disrupted. This is the truth and the world is made up of the rulers and the ruled whose destiny has been decided by such a law. In this wise, it is one of the core gist of the Bible that nothing can be accomplished apart from the word of God together with salvation. God is ruler and has dominion over the realm of mankind in this way.
Then, why did Germany and Japan achieve prosperity even though they were war criminal countries? The reason why God allowed them to be prosperous is that God gave them the opportunity to repay their debt for their sins of the past as relief to the world. Germany as a Christian country had people’s repentance after the war and there were an apology and repentance from the leader of the country until a recent date. Therefore, Germany is in the grace of salvation up to now. On the other hand, Japan is a country that has produced 200,000 ~ 300,000 martyrs but there were no sincere apology and repentance. In addition, God gave Japan the opportunity to repay its debt as relief to the damaged countries but leaders have not been able to fulfill that role so far. They try to reproduce the former glory only with human power and wisdom. This is forever impossible.
For that reason, if leaders of each country want national prosperity and revival, they first need to know how many layers of dark black clouds of sin have built up to block the country through their country’s history and get rid of them from there. In other words, they must first find out whether someone shed unjust blood and how much blood of sin there is by doing so, and then they need to repent and solve it. As long as there is sin, there is no national prosperity and development by being caught in the sin until it is melted away. In addition, the creditor country which was ruled by its neighboring country must renounce hatred, resentment and complaints. If they keep on biting and devouring each other, they will be destroyed by each other. Therefore, the creditor country must forgive the neighboring country and unite each other. Otherwise, hatred and resentment lead the country only to adversity, thus it will only fall into poverty.
Sincere repentance is like the brakes of a running car. Just as Nineveh, the Gentile nation, was also saved, repentance is like the brakes that can stop more severe disaster, tribulation, and curse on the spot. God scoffs at people who try to achieve their purpose with human scheme, conspiracy, fake news, instigation, trick, wisdom and ability to solve problems without such repentance.
The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers gather together
Against the Lord and against his Anointed One.
“Let us break their chains” they say, “and throw off their fetters.”
The One enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them (Ps 2:2-4).
The source of blessing is only God. Therefore, blessing is supposed to pour down to the country, the nation or the leader that goes to the closest to love which is the law of God by opening of the door of heaven. As somewhat fortunately, the spirits conformable to the word of God are freedom, equality, justice and human rights, human beings have completed the founding spirit of the U.S. through poverty and religious persecution under the colonial rule after many years of trial and error.
Until human beings created such value and spirits and imprinted them on people of the world, there were about 365 big and small wars and World Wars l and over the last 2,000 years. After going through all these, it is only today that precious value like jewels consistent with the Christian spirit has been formed. Now, all mankind must cherish and keep this value. If we keep this value, we can enjoy stability and peace, but if we do not, we will return to endless tribulation and curses.
Just as water judgment was fulfilled due to the prevalence of sins in the days of Noah, sin such as resentment, hatred, groan, complaint, dissatisfaction, etc. drives mankind into disaster and curse. The absolute value of peace that the U.S. established must be kept for peace and stability of mankind, thus God poured oil over the U.S. and established it as the most powerful superpower in the world. Now, the world must overcome problems and problems by uniting together around the U.S.
Some countries resist that why the U.S. interferes in the domestic affairs of other countries which undermine human rights and value. However, just as global environmental problems cannot be solved by just one country being careful, all countries of the earth are in a ship with a shared destiny. The hatred, grudge, resentment, complaint, groan caused by lawlessness that happens somewhere in the world is pouring out to all human beings everywhere as pain. God has established a stewardship country to rule and conquer such disorder.
Until now, stewardship countries have not been able to play their role properly, thus the candlesticks have been moved. The place of most powerful superpower will be taken away if it does not practice love. It started in Rome, went through Spain, Portugal, England, and now it has reached the U.S. Like this, the crown of inheritance has made a long journey in search of its owner. In the future, where does the crown of inheritance go?
In order for the U.S. to maintain continuous prosperity and stability as the most powerful superpower in the world, the value of the U.S. must be deeply settled as a belief in the conscience of people and they must obey this value. Because God poured oil over the values of freedom, equality, justice and human rights, idolatry such as supremacy, racial discrimination, humanism, etc. which is disobedient to these values will only intensify endless confusion and distrust just like the four- year period of the last administration.
The truth is that ‘you reap what you sow’. Therefore, the result of supremacy and racial discrimination is that you are treated with disdain, contempt and humiliation to the extent that you treated others with discrimination, contempt and disdain. Now, Americans must not be deceived by Trumpism or conspiracy theory which spreads lies for the sake of their own purpose; Democrats and Republicans must unite together and carry on the spirits of freedom, equality, justice and human rights; and the U.S. must fulfill responsibility as the most powerful superpower in the world.
In addition, liberal democratic countries of the world must unite together around the U.S. However, God said about Europe and it is as follows:
Europe shed a lot of blood in the past, thus God’s punishment has been continued. A lot of deaths took place through Mongolia, the plague, World Wars I and II in the past, and it has happened through COVID-19 at present. Continued march of death means that the rule of blood has not been solved yet and unless there is a fundamental solution, it foreshadows that the march of death will continue in the future.
Churches must repent the past; liberal democratic countries must unite together and help one another and support poor countries to live well through free aid (politics, economy, etc.). It is short cut to break the march of death and also short cut to win communist countries.
Human beings must not neglect these words, the last warning of God, and return to love immediately. When human beings neglect these words, God will strike them with disaster which they cannot bear and it will continue until they return.
He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.
O Lord!
Following the Lord’s orders, I deliver the word, “beginning of disaster as the last warning”, to Christians, churches and human beings. Please, forgive our human beings. All this time, churches have served the Lord as vain worship, treating love as a lifeless ornament. Therefore, they could not carry out their missions. As a result of their failure to give correct evidence, the world has faced the day of tribulation and disaster like today.
Away from love, human beings cannot gain anything with their ability, wisdom, etc. Even if they accomplished what they wanted, its vitality is short-lived like a mayfly, and it becomes a source of trouble and ultimately ends in vain toil, futility, and disgrace. Only ‘the good’ and ‘love’, the words of the Lord, are forever. Training will continue until human beings realize this.
This training will continue until human beings realize that God is ruler over the realm of mankind just as Daniel prophesied to King Nebuchadnezzar; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever; and man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.
My Lord!
I am fearful of the whip of the Lord’s punishment which is increasing year by year. I am really fearful of it. They are immature people who cannot distinguish between right and left, and know nothing. Please, forgive them. At this rate, nobody can survive in this judgment.
Please, shorten our sins. We made mistakes. Please, let us live.
The Lord alone is worthy to receive glory.
I pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.