Arise, Shine
The reason for God to set up a Christian country is to let the world know the living God by revealing God’s glory through fulfilling the law as it is by keeping the law which God made. The law of God allowed the people to clearly know the way to get physical wealth and longevity when they kept the law of Moses through the Bible; and spiritual salvation, life, eternal life, spiritual peace and rest when they kept the law of the Holy Spirit. The word that God asked to deliver to all lives and mankind is the Gospel and God set up a Christian country to preach the Gospel.
Although all religious people insist that their own religion is the best one, Christianity is always proven to be the best. The blessing that can first be seen is the presence of superpowers as the head of the world. Until today, superpowers have always been Christian countries. It was possible only when God was with them, namely only when their people kept the law of God.
God set up the superpower on top of the world and this shows the love of God toward mankind. In other words, it is to teach mankind what justice is in the world to deter human unlawfulness and injustice and to achieve a just world by righteousness, which is the love of God. As if the role of a policeman for the security and order of a nation, God has always set up a superpower among Christian countries.
Do today’s Christian countries play their roles properly? Now, do nation’s leading superpower, the United States; and Great Britain, a self-claimed cultural country, and etc. play their roles properly? Meanwhile, Christian countries have worshiped God in vain as rules taught by men instead of the law of God (Mk 7:7).
Christian people tried to obtain wealth and longevity not by the law of God but by humane ways. In addition, they were initially created to find righteousness, joy, and peace in God, namely in the Holy Spirit, but they only wanted spiritual satisfaction with them for humane entertainment. Like this, without depending on the law of God, all the things that people try to get such as humane ways, wisdom, knowledge, etc. will be vanished as the eternal emptiness and vain, thus will bound to bring the fall of Christian countries in the world. Now, Christian countries should return to the truth through repentance.
1. Christian countries should re-start through repentance.
God spoke to mankind the reason why He was silent through the prophet Isaiah and it is as follows:
“Behold, the Lord’s hand is not so short that it cannot save; nor is His ear so dullthat it cannot hear. But your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, and your sins have hidden His face from you so that He does not hear (Isa 59:1-2).
Like the situation which God spoke through the prophet Isaiah, today’s situation which mankind is facing is the same as that time. Therefore, we should repent to receive salvation through the friendship of God.
The basis for repentance begins with repenting through true fasting. According to Bible, chapter 58 of the book of ISAIAH records the real meaning of "True Fasting" that God rejoices:
"Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen:
- to lose the chains of injustice,
- untie the cords of the yoke,
- to set the oppressed free,
- break every yoke,
- share your food with the hungry,
- to provide the poor wanderer with shelter
- when you see the naked, to clothe them,
- not to turn away from your own flesh and blood" (Isa 58: 6-9)
The above 8 required contents of fasting can be summarized into 2 points: first, forgiveness and reconciliation, and second, relief or aid for others. Fruits of forgiveness are reconciliation which will open the road of success. Also, aid or helping others is like filling up one's own vault of savings for the future. Christianity must begin the repentance based on the contents of above 8 stated criteria, and then an emergency exit will be open for salvation.
● Directions of Salvation for Today's Christian Nations
First, through true fasting achieve forgiveness and reconciliation. According to the Bible, there is a rule that says "a man reaps what he sows" (Gal 6:7). When I tie or put chains of injustice upon others I am bound to be tied up by these chains of injustice as well. In other words when I judge, condemn or curse others out loud or in mind secretly because they hurt my feelings then these all will come back and haunt you like a boomerang. When I show mercy I will be shown mercy, slander will be slandered, judge others will be judged, criticize others will be criticized, rob will be robbed, and pretend will be repaid with pretense. This true principle of life ("a man reaps what he sows") governs all living human lives. Thus true Christians ought to repent and find the real causes of present situations that they are placed in or facing as a reflection of their past actions or deeds rather than blaming on others. The Christian nations should find solutions and recover the relations with God based on this fundamental principle. The people must not complain, resent, or curse their country, but blame themselves and bless their own country. Each individual's complaints, dissatisfaction, grudges, resentments, curses, and etc. accumulate and build up to stop the good things from happening for the nation. Thus if the people of a nation wish for national prosperity they should try to end disorder and establish forgiveness and harmony. Especially the Christians and the world are clearly divided in this respect. Demonstrations, armed attack, etc are only worldly approach of solving problems. But Christians look up to the God for the solutions of problems by carrying out repentance and faithful prayer. This is because the Bible teaches us only to love and says ".. it is mine to avenge; I'll repay.." (Heb 11:30). Thus fasting based on repentance is the basis for Christian faith, and the successful repentance will bring the God's rays of salvation and healing upon each individual, society, and nation (Isa 58:8).
Second, Christian countries should work for aid. According to the law of what you reap, what you sow, aid to the needy can yield 30, 60, and 100 fold as you sow, which is abundant results. Accordingly, creating national wealth of a nation depends on the aid. In the meantime, the wealth of the United States was not just acquired but it was due to the exemplary act of the churches of the United States. When the Korea War was just finished, American brothers and sisters helped Korea by saving their money for a cup of coffee and a cube of sugar even in a very difficult time. Not long ago, American people also showed the act of love toward Haiti. Haitian people could not forget such love. Such aids have been built up and made today’s America prosperous. Aid is important because it is a covenant of God and a promised blessing of God.
Please, look around you. One thousand and two hundred million people, approximately one sixth of world’s population, are living on $1.25 a day. They are starving because we do not help them. The Bible says that the moans and resentments resulting from hunger are responsible for Christian countries. Because Christian countries are blessed with wealth to feed, clothe and take care of the needy, which is the mission of servant given by God. Therefore, the Church should look for wanderers, widows, orphans, and the poor; and feed and clothe them. This is the law of Christ and the law of the kingdom of God.
One of the reasons for the destruction of Sodom was that it did not help the poor and needy even though it had abundant food and careless ease (Eze 16:49). Aid to the poor is to lend to the Lord (Pr 19:17). Jesus Christ said that clothing and feeding one little child were the same actions done to God. Accordingly, no matter how much you give aid to the needy, you never be broke. Rather, the more you do, the more you become prosperous (Pr 11:25). In order to become a truly wealthy country, make every effort to give aids to the needy rather than using humane ways. This is the way to become an everlasting wealthy country.
2. The words of God for the United States
For the assured prosperity of a country, you can see from the advice of Daniel who interpreted Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. Daniel advised that Nebuchadnezzar’s kingdom would be assured after he recognized that it was Heaven that ruled; and the way was to do righteousness and show mercy to the poor (Da 4:17-27).
Because the United States has kept this law to a certain extent, God placed the United States on the top of the world as a police nation of this age. However, the status of the United States is shaken and unstable now.
In order to be set up as a firmly assured country again, the most urgent problem which America is facing right now is that all American citizens need to bring themselves together and to be united as one. In order to do that, America should clearly erase from the old slave problem from the past. As the obstruction of today’s American prosperity comes from racial tensions between blacks and whites started from slavery system, and unresolved their resentments and complaints have been floating around over America like wrath of hurricane. Such bonds of wickedness in their heart tightly tie up each other.
Please, let us think about the following story. Some black people lived in a peaceful life but one day they had to leave their parents, siblings, relatives and had to live tough and miserable life afterwards. Therefore, today the resentment of those who lived such a life still remains in the blood of their descendants without being erased. Such resentment leads to shedding tears endlessly for days and days unknowingly when the time of achieving the release of such bondage. Then, the resentments in their hearts will disappear. The United States should remove such deep-rooted resentments. Only then, there will be continual prosperity and security of the United States. Setting up today’s President on the top of the United States is the God’s plan and blessing to wash away deep-rooted resentments and dark residue of sins.
Accordingly, during the remainder of the term of office of President, the political community should set up all the bases and support for the President so that he can fully perform to solve all the problems. By doing so, the United States can prevent downfall and take a big leap toward prosperity again.
America managed well such several big and small crises until now. However, if American people engage in any demonstrations and protests which come from complaints, resentments and curses, then there is no hope for America. It resembles a mountain which is fully absorbed by water in rainy season, and then a little rain can cause a landslide. Likewise, America is in great danger now. Please, achieve national unity. Especially, the political community should be very careful. When there are sharp conflicts and confrontations between two sides like today, the basic attitude of Christians and the best choice for them is to return to the words of Bible.
The Bible says, “Remind them to be subject to rulers, to authorities, to be obedient” (Tit 3:1-2). Also, it says, “For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God. Therefore, whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves (Ro 13:1-2). Accordingly, resolving problems with demonstration, protest, force, etc. is worldly approach to the problem and this way only leads to disrupt America more and more. If you truly love America, please return to the words of God.
Why do I, this servant, urge repentance for America earnestly as my throat is choked? This is due to earnest asking of Jesus Christ. As if the aid of a shipbuilder is necessary in order to safely dock a big ship in a harbor, I would like to deliver the earnest words of Jesus Christ to the United States, Great Britain, Germany, Australia, etc., and all Christian people in order for them to escape from the danger which Christian countries are currently facing.
Hallelujah! Be the glory forever and ever to the only God. Amen.