What Kind of Religion is Christianity?
A religion can be reached its climax only when its believers communicate with its god. A religion, which is not able to communicate with its god, is already a dead religion and it has lost its vitality and such a religion is called a philosophical religion. In other words, there is no object to worship. Because believers try to reach their ideal goals which they pursue by making their own doctrines with learning rather than divine revelation and taking them as rules of belief; and practicing them, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, etc. are called philosophical religions.
On the other hand, Christianity and Shamanism have a common ground in that they are spiritual religions which are all led by spirit. Whereas Shamanism performs witchcraft by being possessed with an evil spirit, Christianity is a faith that believes in direct guiding saints and giving lessons as they are through the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, ‘Spirit of God and Spirit of Jesus’. Therefore, the best blessings and grace of Christianity is to have fellowship with the Holy Spirit (2Co 13:13) as already being used in ministers’ benediction.
In the Old Testament era, people served God through the Law. The Law was summarized as two commandments. Jesus said in the Bible, “you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and foremost commandment. And the second is like it: you shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets” (Mt 22:37-40). These commandments are for the purpose of making the starting point to receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit by reaching for love. The Law is a simply preparation course to receive the Holy Spirit.
Now, in the New Testament era unlike the Old Testament era, nothing is presented nor imposed except the commandments of love (1Co 13). This is only for the right fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Like a train derails if it does not run on the rails, the spirit which is away from love can receive an evil spirit not the Holy Spirit. Therefore, we should follow only love. From the Genesis to John the Baptist, it had been the process of preparing love for the age of the Holy Spirit. After John the Baptist, i.e. ‘after those days’, it has been the process of preparation for the age of the Holy Spirit. This is the promise of a new covenant.
Christianity is a religion practiced only by the power and the guidance of the Holy Spirit on the basis of the new covenant prophesized by the Law of the Old Testament and prophets. The promises of the new covenant were all spoken of Jesus Christ. More specifically, these are prophecies about the Holy Spirit, the reality of Jesus Christ. The fundamentals of Christian people start from the fullness of the Holy Spirit. If anyone does not have the Holy Spirit, he is not a Christian. If there is the Holy Spirit, it can be shown by internal and external signs and evidences. Like this, the faith by the Holy Spirit is ‘faith of Immanuel.’
As ‘Immanuel’ means “God with us” (Mt 1:23), this means that God will stay eternally with us as the Spirit (Heb 9:14); teach all things, bring all things to our remembrance, dominate us with peace, and guide us as a teacher (Mt 23:8), an overseer (Ac 20:28), a leader (Mt 23:10), etc. Like this, Christians are the people who believe and practice the lessons and teachings of God who guides them from time to time. Moreover, the Bible shows teachings and lessons about the faith of Immanuel, and it is a guide book of faith which leads to complete faith of Immanuel through these lessons.
Accordingly, the Apostle Paul declared that deeds should be executed in accordance with teachings and the working of power of the Holy Spirit, the guidance of the Holy Spirit, through the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. Such faith of Immanuel is namely the faith of Christianity. Every faith except walking in the Holy Spirit is a pagan religion; ‘anti-Christ ‘is a Christian who does not walk in the Holy Spirit and insists on being a Christian; and a ‘heresy’ is to teach other than the guidance of the Holy Spirit and lessons taught by the Holy Spirit.
After the Apostolic Age, Christianity has been drifting up to now, forgetting the identity of the Christian essence in controversy and confusion. Such a drifting was already prophesized in the Bible. As the incident of Tower of Babel is a symbol which always takes place in every era, it represents a current doctrine made by human reason excluding God. As they said, “let us make us a name for ourselves and not be scattered over the face of the whole earth” but the confusion of language caused them to be scattered, the doctrine made by the human reason without the guidance of the Holy Spirit only leaves the confusion of language with endless disputes without fail. Therefore, the symbol of the Tower of Babel is still being fulfilled.
Christianity was too much deviated from true Christianity mentioned in the Bible and became a pagan religion. Theology has not still come to an agreement about clarification of the essence of the church. The cause of all these results has been aroused from the fact that the speculative theology was used to complete the religion of the Holy Spirit by human reason.
The Apostolic Age, which modern Christianity directs to aim and hope, was an age with vivid works of the Holy Spirit. Moreover, the work of the apostles seen through the Book of Acts was faith which showed the examples applied to practical Trinity and one of them was the fellowship (the guidance) of the Holy Spirit. The apostles were provided with the ability through the fellowship of the Holy Spirit and acquired a sense of direction to find the object of faith. However, in this age, people did not receive any evidence about the Holy Spirit and only know it by theory. Although they formally claimed Trinity as a doctrine, they actually produced dead faith which means faith is one thing and living is another as a result of Binity excluding the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the reality of Jesus Christ, and it is the principle and action of salvation revealed in the flesh in the present reality beyond time forever and ever. If the church and Christians do not follow the principle and action of the Holy Spirit, the salvation that is the hope of mankind will end with idealism which cannot be realized.
Christianity has mistaken salvation as hope for the afterlife regardless of reality. The finality of true salvation is spiritual salvation which means walking with the Spirit (reaching the resting place) after ‘restoring God’s image’; and physical salvation is ‘liberation from all of my unwanted things’.
It is still being most commonly reported that a great number of ministers and the Lord’s people, surely convinced of their own salvation, are dying in pain without being saved from numerous unwanted physical suffering such as diseases and cancers, regardless of their will. The doctrine of salvation, which they always insist that the only confession with the mouth can be made unto salvation, becomes obsolete in the face of sickness and death and the convinced faith will disappear like a bubble. Like this, they will realize for themselves that there is a huge gap between actual faith and doctrine.
True Christian faith is actual faith which spiritually means the restoration of God’s image and physically means the liberation from all unwanted things, being clothed with the power of the Spirit by asking, seeking, and knocking in the reality of life events whenever happen. In addition, it is a living religion which is to sense living God that is at work as the Holy Spirit, walk with the Spirit and experience the wonders and miracles all the time. The doctrine of faith exists as only abstract and invisible idealism hiding behind a mask such as afterlife. It does not have anything to do with God and it is a religion of only humans, made by humans for humans. Indeed, I would like to mention what kind of religion Christianity is.
Christianity is a Religion to Receive Revelation through the Holy Spirit and Believe and Walk by it.
God created Adam in His own image (Ge 1:26-27). However, after Adam was fallen due to the incident of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, God envisioned a major project to restore fallen mankind to God’s image out of His love and this plan was promised to the people of the Lord through prophecies of many prophets in the Old Testament.
As the salvation is spiritual salvation, it means that the human beings who lived in sin due to the fall of Adam are restored to God’s image, the original appearance of Adam before the fall and the ultimate goal of Christian faith is to reach the resting place through this.
The restoration of the image of God means to unite with the Lord and become one with the Holy Spirit (1Co 6:17) and to restore divinity and holiness, original image of God on the days of creation, which was lost due to sin after the fall. This means the restoration of the divine nature (2Pe 1:4), namely the restoration of love, God’s essence and element (1Co 13). When our spirit completely becomes one with such love and changes to be satisfied, finally it is said that we bear the image of Lord, God of love (Heb 1:3).
The one and only way to bear the image of God is to surely receive the Holy Spirit through repentance; love is fulfilled as God poured out his love within our hearts by the power of the Holy Spirit (Ro 5:5); and the image of Jesus Christ, divine nature, is fulfilled. When this happens, we become a true Christian and this moment is called “being born again” or regeneration.
“you have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator” (Col 3:10).
Human beings who are disconnected from God can have ‘fellowship with God’ only when they bear the image of God, and they can fulfill ‘a walk with the Lord’ in only such a fellowship. This (a walk with the Lord) is regarded as the reception of an ‘inheritance’ because of participation in the work of God and only then they are called ‘sons’ because they became heirs.
Even among Christians, only when those who become sons that are perfectly led by the Spirit (Ro 8:14), they can receive an inheritance and become ‘heirs’ (1Pe 1:4). As the heirs are those people who participate in God’s will and fulfill it on earth, this is called as a walk with God and God’s fellow workers (1Co 3:9) and to become friends with Jesus Christ (Jn 15:14). When God’s will is fulfilled on earth, God is glorified in Him and we call this to reveal God’s glory. This is ‘the resting place’ and the finality of Christian faith is to reach the resting place.
When a walk with God is fulfilled, the ultimate salvation of redemptive history is to return again to the purpose of creation which God created the first Adam. Namely, as human beings who have been severed from God due to sin are restored to the image of God, they can communicate with God (salvation) and this is spiritual salvation. As a means for fulfilling such a big project of salvation, God needed the sacrifice of Christ and the first fruit of an example to show us, thus the center figure of redemptive history is Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ is the perfect image of Adam (Heb 1:3) as divine nature, and he is sinless as human nature but has come in the guise of sinful man and bore the ministry of atonement for the sins of man as a scapegoat. In addition, he was seeking God’s will to the point of death and obedient to it, thus he showed us the example to be able to restore back to Adam. As He, the example, discarded his will and only obeyed the will of the Father to the point of death (Jn 8:28), he showed us an example of the first fruit of salvation i.e. the restoration of God’s image and he made us follow the way (Jn 14:31). According to this example, apostles followed it first. Today, Christians also follow it, thus God’s inheritance continues.
What is the Will of the Father?
The example shown by Jesus Christ is to seek God’s will and only obey it to the point of death (Jn 14:31; 8:28; 5:30). What is the will of the Father? Of course, the Bible says a lot of the will of the Father. However, the will corresponds to the general introductions, and now it is time for us to need the specific action guide of faith which corresponds to the guidelines for particulars.
God loved David because he was a man after God’s own heart, and only served the will of God (Ac 13:22). In contrast, God forsook Saul (1Ch 10:13-14) because Saul only followed his own will, and the prophet Balaam also abandoned God’s will and blessed Balak for his own will, thus he was a false prophet forsaken by God (Nu 22:28-33).
Through the content in the Book of Matthew Chapter 7 which becomes the constant debate of soteriology, we should clearly know what God wants to say to the church and Christians in this age. The Bible says “not everyone who says,’ Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, although he has acted as a prophet by representing internal and external miraculous signs after receiving the Holy Spirit; and cast out devils; and done many wonderful works in the name of the Lord, not only his foundation of Christian faith is causing more harm than good but also he will be forsaken by God as a evildoer if he does not do the will of God. Therefore, the essence of Christian faith is to do the will of the Father.
Only when you do the will of the Father, it can be regarded as truth, lawfulness and the essence of the Christian faith. Except that, no matter how hard you have worked for the Lord, it becomes lawlessness, which does not have anything to do with God. Because it is not based on the new covenant, it is a breach of contract with God. The new covenant is written in the Bible as “I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts” (Heb 8:10). “My laws” means God’s absolute good will, and the will of God is truth and the word (Jn 17:17).
As “I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts” is namely the essence of the new covenant, it means that the Holy Spirit will directly teach Christians the will of God in their minds and make them remember, which corresponds to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
The Law (decrees and ordinances) of the Old Testament resulted in the law of the Holy Spirit fully contained the will of God in the New Testament. It is illegal not to obey the Law in the Old Testament era, whereas it is illegal not to do the will of God according to the guidance of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament era. Therefore, this is why the Bible says not to harden your hearts if you hear the voice of the Holy Spirit (Heb 4:7) which is the faith once for all entrusted (Jude 1:3); and anyone who blasphemes and rebels against the Holy Spirit is a felon that cannot be forgiven in Christianity (Mt 12:31-32; Lk 12:10). Then, what is the will of God? How can we find it? These questions will be reasoned through the tree of life mentioned in Genesis.
The Tree of Life
In Genesis, it is recorded that man can live forever if he eats the fruit from the tree of life on east side of the Garden of Eden (Ge 3:22). The way to gain eternal life is to eat the fruit from the tree of life. The fruit from the tree of life represents Jesus Christ who is life and eternal life (Col 3:4). The one and only way to take the fruit from the tree of life is to gain eternal life through Jesus Christ who is life and eternal life. Generally, the meaning of eternal life in the modern church is considered that saved men live forever with the Lord in heaven but the true meaning of eternal life is defined as follows: “they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent (Jn 17:3).
In other words, knowing the Father and the Son is, namely, eternal life. The only way to know the Father and the Son is through revelation. The Bible says “no one knows who the Father is except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him” (Lk 10:22). Namely, the will of God can be known only through revelation, and it can be received only through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit delivers the command, the will of God to us through the gift of the living God (Ro 6:23), and the command has been written on the tablet of each heart through revelation and handed down (Heb 10:16). Knowing God’s will and God by the guidance of the Holy Spirit is the same as already taking the fruit of the tree of life which gives eternal life.
In order to fulfill the will of God, Jesus Christ was always looking for the will of the Father, and obedient to it. In addition, he did not do anything on his own. Like this, Jesus Christ showed us the example to do the will of the Father (Jn 8:28; 7:17; 12:50). As eternal life could be obtained by eating the fruit before the fall of Adam, it can be obtained by faith in Jesus Christ in Christianity of the New Testament era. To put it concretely, eternal life can be obtained only when people believe in the Holy Spirit, the reality of Jesus Christ, and walk by the Holy Spirit.
The principle and work of the Holy Spirit
“This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, says the Lord: I will put my laws upon their heart, and on their mind I will write them” (Heb 10:16).
Christianity is a religion which God directly teaches and leads saints as God writes His laws, will of God, on their minds through revelations (Jn 6:45). Revelation is God’s secret wisdom (1Co 2:7), and it is delivered to saints through the Holy Spirit. As the Spirit knows all the secrets of God, He is the Spirit of mastery who searches all things, even the depths of God. In addition, the Holy Spirit is the spirit of revelation with the elements and attributes of revelation (1Co 2:10). Undisclosed secrets of the world are included within omniscience of God and such God’s omniscience which is everything such as wisdom and knowledge, etc. about the secrets, is delivered to saints through teaching which is one of the three principles of the Holy Spirit (Jn 16:13).
If God’s omniscience is compared to the unlimited boundless playground without end, then the guidance of the Holy Spirit can be compared to a flash light which illuminates the darkness of very dark playground. Therefore, the guidance of the Holy Spirit is a partial omniscience which shows the will of God only in respect to what each person cries out, seeks and asks according to each circumstance and need. With such omniscience, the Spirit teaches you the will of God, reminds you of it and gives you peace. As Jesus said, “He, the Spirit would disclose to you what is to come”(Jn 16:13). He guides Christians with God’s revelation. This is the work of the Holy Spirit. Because revelation has a close relationship with prophecy, it can be a prophecy according to the nature of revelation.
In regard to revelation, doctrinists argue that ‘revelation ended with the Book of Revelation of Apostolic Age’ and revelation is no longer needed besides the Bible, but that is very big misunderstanding about the Bible. The core of the new covenant is that God would directly reveal every revelation and prophecy to each person through the Holy Spirit (the guidance of the Holy Spirit) once again in every word and the Prophets contained in the Bible.
As if the sound of school bells which announces the end of the first class means the start of the second class, the contents of the Bible do not mean the end of the revelation which doctrinists argue but mean to guide in detail by revealing the law of God on the heart of each person through the Holy Spirit in the new covenant (Heb 10:16). In other word, if all the words (prophecies) written in the Bible are general introductions, then the guidance of the Holy Spirit can be called particulars which describe details.
For example, when Paul tried to preach the gospel to Asia in accordance with general introductions regarding the witness of the Gospel written in the Bible as “Preach the word, be ready in season and out of season,” the Holy Spirit guided Paul ‘to go to Macedonia’ rather than Asia regardless of the will of Apostle Paul (2Ti 4:2; Ac 16:9). If he had implicitly preached the gospel on the basis of the Bible, he would not have known the accurate and delicate will of God.
Likewise, faith with only the word of the Bible as a general framework cannot lead to an individual and practical life of faith which fits the situation, because the will of God can be rightly known only when a revelation is received (the guidance of the Holy Spirit). Like this, the new age which begins with the guidance of the Holy Spirit is called ‘after those days’ in the Bible.
After those Days
“But this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel after those days,” declares the Lord, “I will put My law within them and on their heart I will write it, and I will be their God, and they shall be My people” (Jer 31:33).
The religion which begins with ‘after those days’ is Christianity and those people who walk by faith based on proposed method as ‘after those days’ are called Christians who involved in the new covenant. As the faith of ‘after those days’ is a way of faith that was started from the attic of Mark on the day of Pentecost by the Holy Spirit, faith had been practiced in accordance with the Law until John the Baptist, but it has been a religion to invade the kingdom of heaven [fullness of the Holy Spirit (Lk 16:16)] since the time of Jesus Christ. As the heaven is the kingdom of God, it is the theocracy which God governs takes place in our spirit with full of righteousness, peace and joy by the Holy Spirit (Ro 14:17). In the Old Testament era, only a few specific people and prophets who were touched by divine God proclaimed the will of God through prophecies. However, since the time of Jesus Christ if only the condition is met (faith, repentance, etc.), anyone can be filled with the Holy Spirit. Only then he can perform the role and the power like a royal priesthood and a prophet.
The Law and prophecies, which were all the words in the Old Testament, were focused on ‘after those days’ and these were all revelation and prophecies about the Holy Spirit, the reality of Jesus Christ. According to these prophecies, Jesus Christ performed the primary ministry as a scapegoat, showed the example to restore back to Adam before the fall by obeying the will of God to the point of death and entered into the full-fledged secondary ministry after he died on the cross. It means that he comes as the Holy Spirit (1Co 15:45) due to the merits of the blood of the cross; and now as the Holy Spirit, He will guide and help those who cry out, seek, and ask in various forms such as a leader (Isa 55:4; Mt 23:10), a teacher (Mt 23:8), a commander (Isa 55:4), etc. according to their circumstances and environments. Likewise, the new era which has begun with the Spirit of Jesus Christ, the substance of the new covenant, i.e. the Holy Spirit is called ‘after those days’ and this means that the era of the Law has gone and the new era of the Holy Spirit has begun. Now, God is not served by the old codified Law of the Old Testament, but God is directly present in our spirit; makes it a temple of God; teaches us God’s law and guides us by revelation written in the spirit of each one of us. To receive such teaching is called ‘anointment’.
Anointment means the Holy Spirit, and to anoint means to receive the Holy Spirit and power (Ac 10:38). In the Old Testament, only specific people such as kings, prophets, priests, etc. were anointed, whereas those who seek and believe in Jesus Christ are anointed and worked by the Holy Spirit in the New Testament. Anointment is to write the law of God on our hearts (Heb 8:8-12), which means God will directly guide us with His law by revelation.
This comes down to the guidance of the Holy Spirit that is human salvation promised in all the words in the Old and New Testament of the Bible and the finality of salvation history. Because the words which are guided by the Holy Spirit are true like the words in the Bible, the Bible says to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit just as it has taught you without being taught by anyone. This is the definition of anointment.
“As for you, the anointing which you received from Him abides in you, and you have no need for anyone to teach you; but as His anointing teaches you about all things, and is true and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you abide in Him” (1Jn 2:27).
As if cash and checks are accepted with the same value, the word guided by the Holy Spirit is the same word and truth as the word of the Bible, which means that it has the same and equal authority and effect. Therefore, the Bible declares that the Holy Spirit is the truth (Jn 15:26). Namely, receiving the guidance of the Holy Spirit is the same as receiving the guidance of the truth (Jn 16:13). As the anointing of the Holy Spirit is the core declaration of the new covenant and He will guide each one by revelation (the guidance of the Holy Spirit), the essence of all the prophecies recorded in the Bible and it is also the entire contents of the Bible. As the anointing refers to the gift of God (Ac 10:38, 1Co 12:4-11), it is the action to inform and represent the will of God to each and everyone by the gift of God.
The Action and Role of the Gift
The will of God is manifested concretely and actually through the gifts of the Holy Spirit (Heb 2:4).
“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you. Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you” (Jn 14:26-27).
The Holy Spirit teaches us all things, brings to our remembrance and gives us peace to let us know the will of God, and these can be called three universal principles of the Holy Spirit. (God allows us to know about righteousness, sin, and judgment and these belong to the three principles.) Also, this is present in the flesh of saints through nine kinds of gifts (1Co 12:4-11); and these actions generally come as the power of God and inspiration, emotion, enlightenment, etc. in their spirit. The gift is to inform the will of God to the church through the saints. As it shows the will of God to each through the Holy Spirit according to the measure of faith of the saints, the church is getting to know the perfect God’s will when such partial meanings of the saints are all gathered into one.
As mentioned before, if God’s omniscience is compared to the unlimited boundless playground without end, then the guidance of the Holy Spirit can be compared to a flash light which illuminates the darkness of very dark playground. Therefore, the guidance of the Holy Spirit is a partial omniscience which shows the will of God only in respect to what each person cries out, seeks and asks according to each circumstance and need. The gift is the way to testify God’s own will by showing the saints God’s omniscience according to the need (Heb 2:4). Therefore, the gift is also eternal life (Ro 6:23). As the church is the gathering of such saints, it carries out the will of God through the gifts of the Holy Spirit and actions; and it can fulfill the mission of the church. Accordingly, the gift of the Holy Spirit and His actions are the complete core principles and driving force for the existence of the church.
The role of the church is to express omniscient and omnipotent God and the pillar of truth by showing the manifestation of God. The purpose of the church is to “be made known the manifold wisdom of God to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places” (Eph 3:10). Likewise, it is to show the world that “the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord stands forever” (1Pe 1:24-25) by knowing the will of God through the Holy Spirit and fulfilling the will. By doing so, it reveals the glory of God and testifies the manifestation of God to the world in order to inform “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God” to the world in the end (Mt 4:4; Dt 8:3). This is the purpose of the gospel through Jesus Christ and the ultimate goal of the gospel. Like this, because the church runs by the will of God through direct revelation from God, it is called the pillar of truth. Therefore, it is totally illogical for the church to fulfill the role of salt and light without revelation and the gift. Furthermore, the existence of the church itself is absolutely impossible.
True worship in spirit and truth
In regard to the way of worship, Jesus Christ said to the Samaritan woman, “God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth” (Jn 4:24). Spirit means the things taught by the Holy Spirit (1Co 2:13) and it indicates the worship by nine gifts of the Holy Spirit. A typical way of worship can be shown by the Corinthian Church.
“What is the outcome then, brethren? When you assemble, each one a psalm, has a teaching, has a revelation, has a tongue, has an interpretation. Let all things be done for edification” (1Co 14:26).
The church comes to know the good will of God through such gifts; and the fulfillment of the will as it is means to worship in truth. For this worship, the saints have to devote themselves to worship with all their heart, and with all their soul, and with all their strength in order to reach the truth. Only when they cry out, seek, and ask with such truth, the Holy Spirit that is able to know the will of God comes on them. Namely, eternal life comes on them.
If any churches among the modern churches offer worship services on the base of the gifts like the same way as the Corinthian Church, immediately the religious world will stigmatize them as cults not by the Bible but by the standard of the doctrine and rather it will treat them as shamanic churches. However, ironically the apostolic way of worship in the Bible was established on the basis of these gifts, and this is the right way to seek the will of God, obey as it is and fulfill it, which is the right example to worship God in spirit and truth (Jn 4:23).
True koinonia of the church is not to promote fellowship among members as a social group, but to exchange opinions with one another through the work of the Holy Spirit such as a psalm, a teaching, a tongue, an interpretation, etc. to each one and seeking the will of God is true koinonia. Only when the will of God is known through the gift, the church and the saints become holy. As holiness refers to separation by the word and participation in the property of God, the church and the saints become holy by standing in the will of God. The church should be established by the gifts, and a group formed by the gifts is a true Christian church. If a church is not established by the gifts, it is not a church but a heathen religion or a mere social gathering in the world.
Despite the relationship between Christianity and the Holy Spirit is inseparable, there is overflowing tendency to reject the gift of the Holy Spirit in Christianity because it is regarded as a cult or a wrong thing without reason. Of course, there have been so many mistakes about the Holy Spirit. Those who were filled with the Holy Spirit received the gifts, then they immediately left the church, built an altar in their homes and became the worshipers of the altar. Furthermore, some of them were grafted onto apocalyptic faith and it was true that every movement of the Holy Spirit was flowed to a strange aspect with eschatology. On the other hand, the correct interpretation on the gift of the Holy Spirit can come out through such many mistakes and the lessons of failure; and reach the truth. However, doctrinists have planted a wrong view of faith which blindly condemned the gift of the Holy Spirit as a cult in the church.
This is like a ridiculous and insane king who ordered not to grow and not to eat rice to his people without identifying the cause of the food poisoning because his beloved prince and princess had food poisoning after taking rice. Like the king who has been perpetrating such insane and crazy things without hesitation, a mistake has been committed in the name of theology, which has prevented me as well as others from entering the kingdom of heaven with the key of knowledge called the Law.
Ordinances and Decrees in the Old Testament are Equivalent to the Guidance of the Holy Spirit of Today.
In the Old Testament era, precepts such as ordinances, decrees, etc. were stated in detail through the Law so that the religious life was possible by only obeying them, whereas any norms and rules except love in the new commandment were not established in the New Testament era. Until today, this is the reason why Christianity has been in chaos and confusion without knowing what to do correctly after believing in Jesus Christ. Even in Apostolic Age, there were a lot of confusion and defenses about what to do after receiving Jesus Christ. Just only a few rules have been applied to do everything in Christianity and these are as follows: “you abstain from things sacrificed to idols and from blood and from things strangled and from fornication” (Ac 15:29).
Because there were no norms and rules about how to lead the life of faith like this, people created doctrines which were their own traditions and commandments, and the life of faith was led and maintained by the doctrines for more than 2,000 years till today in Christianity. If norms and rules were so important, then why did not God make them? What is the reason? Unlike pagan religions, this is only to receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Because Christianity is a religion only to follow and act according to the guidance of the Holy Spirit by the obedience of faith at every each moment, there is no need for God to make any norms and rules.
As mentioned above, Christianity should be prepared only by the Holy Spirit, started by the plans and guidance of the Holy Spirit, continued by the power of the Holy Spirit, and ended by the Holy Spirit. Therefore, Christianity is the religion of the Holy Spirit, i.e. the religion of revelation. Only the Holy Spirit intimately and constantly involves in the life of faith as a teacher (Mt 23:8), a leader (Mt 23:10), an overseer of the church, and a commander (Isa 55:4), thus Christians only need to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit. In order to receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit, repentance should be preceded in the first place. Only when love which is the fulfillment of the law (Mt. 5) is reached through repentance, then faith of the law is converted to spiritual faith by the Holy Spirit.
As the guidance of the Holy Spirit is the faith for the grown-ups, it is acted on the basis of complete faith and every single day should be fully focused on love (1Co 13). If you cannot meet the love, you need to get help from the Holy Spirit by crying out, seeking, asking, and mourning in order to remain in love of 1 Corinthians Chapter 13. By doing so, we can surely and clearly feel that ‘Christ in us and we are in Christ’ and we will be completely filled with righteousness, peace, and joy; and this is called the fullness of the Holy Spirit.
At this time, we are restored to the image of the Lord, i.e. the image of God and this is called rebirth. Only then, we can perfectly and completely communicate with God. Saints should always maintain this fullness of the Holy Spirit throughout their lives. When this state is maintained, they can exactly know the will of God by communicating with God, obey it as it is and walk with God. Only then, they are called the sons of God. For those who are totally led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God (Ro 8:14). Only such sons become heirs who receive an inheritance so that they completely fulfill the will of heaven. While they walk with the Lord, doing as written in their spirit is to be led by the Holy Spirit. When this happens, God receives glory and saints give glory to God.
Plainly speaking, the reason for the failure of Christianity is the result of denying and ignoring the guidance of the Holy Spirit through revelation and prophecy. This means that the merits of the cross of Jesus Christ was completely abandoned and Jesus Christ as Messiah was fully denied, which were the acts of antichrist. Over the nearly 2,000 years since the Apostolic Age, Christianity produced a great number of Fathers of the Church, and theologians and they tried to find out about God by using only human reasoning. They mentioned about God so many times, but the Holy Spirit rescinded their assertions at once and explained what they want to say in an instant. Namely, the Holy Spirit wants to show omniscience which is the ability to make people understand a great number of mysterious knowledge in an instant by omnipotence.
The conversion of the Apostle Paul can serve as an example of that. Saul who was an ardent follower of Judaism that founded over a period of 1,500 years from Moses was changed to Paul on the way to Damascus by the instantaneous power of the Holy Spirit. Namely, it means that the knowledge, etc. of Judaism which a legalistic religion established over a period of 1,500 years was broken in an instant by the power of the Holy Spirit. Accordingly, Apostle Paul insisted on only the teaching and power of the Holy Spirit and it is the essence of Christianity. Now, Christianity should discard its doctrine and go back to the Bible. Namely, it means going back to the Holy Spirit. In addition, it should be reborn as the faith of the true Trinity. When this happens, the guidance of the Holy Spirit is received through the image of God and walking with God is fulfilled, which is the ultimate goal of salvation.
Hallelujah! To God be the glory forever and ever. Amen.
This servant would like to testify the mission that I received from God as it is, nothing more nothing less. This message is never the end of the word of God. Now, Christianity should discard its doctrine and go back to the Bible. Only then, it can be reborn as true Christianity. It is my sincere hope and wishes that the distorted Christianity will be revived by the Holy Spirit on the basis of the word of this message and this can be the foundation of unwavering faith to those who sincerely seek and ask the truth.