Dear Your Majesty The Queen and British People,
I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. In the past, Britain was the envy of every country in the world as the British Empire on which the sun never set because God loved and blessed it to be the most powerful country in the world. However, the status of such a country has declined to the present along with other European countries.
The current European countries are reeling from financial crisis. This is a notice about forthcoming crisis in Europe. How could you drive out such a dark shade cast over most countries of Europe? At this point, I would like to send the word of God to Your Majesty the Queen and British people.
<The crisis in Europe is a result of European countries that did not properly serve their roles as Christian countries.>
Most European countries are Christian countries and these are founded to teach the law of salvation through Jesus Christ to mankind who does not see and hear about God. Accordingly, Christian countries must testify the living God by showing the law of salvation through Jesus Christ to the world.
There are two axes in Christian gospel to preach which are physical gospel and spiritual gospel and these two axes maintain a mutual relationship with each other and form the foundation of Christian faith.
Physical gospel is to preach the law on the basis of the Ten Commandments. As the law belongs to physical law, this is the one and only perfect law (Dt 30:9) to receive the blessings of the flesh. As this law is the law of the covenant which God promised to Moses on Mt. Sinai, God promised to give temporal blessings such as physical health, substance, fame, wealth, longevity, etc. to whomever obeyed this law. Like this, once God has promised, the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of God stands forever (1Pe:24-25, Isa 40:8). As the Lord said, “even if heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law”, this law is the everlasting law (Mt 5:18, Lk 16:17). Therefore, this law is not limited to only the Old Testament and Israel but every human being who survives on this planet should obey this law beyond the ages. This is the one and only law that people can receive the blessings of the flesh by doing so. The blessings were shown to mankind through Solomon, the son of King David.
Through this law, God is trying to let people know that all physical happiness and wealth which people need to live cannot be achieved by their own effort, wisdom, knowledge, means, and ways, but rather they can be achieved when they obey this law which God made. Namely, God teaches mankind that blessings and curses come from God. Accordingly, including heathen religion, curses and disasters such as all mankind’s poverty, obstruction, diseases, etc. are caused by the people who do not believe and keep this law due to their stubbornness and obstinacy.
If the law is related to the blessings of the flesh, the spiritual gospel is to convey the spiritual blessings, namely restoration to Adam and a blessing that leads to eternal life. As this is the ultimate law of Christianity, this shows that anyone can be saved by the grace of Jesus Christ. The grace means that our spirit is governed by love (1Co 13:4-7) due to pouring out the power of the Holy Spirit (Ro 5:5), the Spirit of Jesus Christ from the elements of the flesh [sexual immorality, impurity, and debauchery, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy, drunkenness, orgies, and the like (Gal 5:19-21)].
The power of the Holy Spirit is shown by the fruit of the Spirit, and the fruit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Gal 5:22-23). When the fruit is manifested in the spirit of the people and they are in this grace, it is said that they are saved by the faith in Jesus Christ. Because this can be fulfilled by only the power of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Jesus Christ, this is the difference and uniqueness which are not found in any religion and exists only in Christianity. Accordingly, if people still do not have the fruit of the Spirit in their hearts despite their believer in Jesus Christ, they do not dwell in grace and they are not reached to salvation as well. If you receive grace, there will be spontaneous changes in your spirit. As a result, mysterious power of love will appear: you can love your enemies whom you hate in your mind by grace; due to distrust and suspicion, nonsense that you cannot comprehend for anything is believed by grace; if someone strikes you on the right cheek, you can turn to him the other also by grace; if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, you can give your cloak as well by grace, etc. Apostle Paul is the most representative example of grace.
Apostle Paul was an assassinator who persecuted Christians and went out to catch them to be punished. However, he instantly converted to Christianity by hearing the voice of Jesus Christ. Like this, the same change can happen today to anyone who believes through the grace of Jesus Christ. Therefore, the Bible says “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts” (Heb 4:7).
Like this, Christian countries should testify the living God to the world by the blessings of the flesh such as wealth, longevity, etc. through the law and by the act of love received from salvation by grace came down from heaven through spiritual faith. Accordingly, Christian countries naturally bound to be powerful countries to stand tall in the world as good example of the Gospel. Therefore, God blessed Christian countries such as Ancient Rome, Portugal, Spain, Great Britain, etc. to be powerful countries in the world but these countries did not play their roles by leaving God’s law. As a result, today they are heading quickly toward tragedy by even denying God’s existence, and the entire human race, as well as Europe, comes to a crisis of downfall. As the lament of the prophet Isaiah, the current crisis of Europe has resulted in people discarding the everlasting word of God and worshiping God in vain with the commandments of men (Mt 15:9).
<The key to coming out of the crisis of Europe is repentance and it should be recovered by faith and deed.>
As the result of life which is seen by projecting onto the truth, the word of God, is an accurate prophecy, the crisis of Europe has already been predicted. In other words, although Christian countries received the eternal promise that God will give blessings if people obey the law, they have had a hard time like heathen religions. This proves that they did not even keep the Ten Commandments which are the center and foundation of the law. Therefore, the crisis of Europe has been already predicted. Accordingly, European churches should sincerely repent for these results before God.
The crisis in Europe must find the cause from the colonial politics in modern history. Most countries in Europe practiced colonial policies along with the New World. The sins of colonial rule were stacked in layers on top of the head of each country and caused the blockage like it is today (Jer 5:25). In particular, the powerful countries of the past such as Portugal, Spain, etc. were quickly on the path to downfall due to the sins committed in the discovery of the New World. If the church does not clean up such sins, these countries will have a hard time to escape from the way of the downfall. Accordingly, European Protestant and Catholic countries which practiced colonial rule should sincerely repent for the sins of their colonial rule and it is most urgent for those countries to solve the following three problems (Eze 18:30).
First, externally they should clean up resentment, complaints, and curses from colonial countries. In order to do that, they must look for numerous problems caused by colonial rule one by one and clean them up and compensation and reconciliation for the damaged countries should be truly accomplished at the same time so that the resentment, hatred, and hostility from the colonial countries should be paid for in order for them to prosper.
Second, internally their own people’s complaints, resentment, discontent, dissatisfaction must be put to sleep. The rise and fall of the country depend on the lips of their own people. Curses, complaints, criticism, and hatred about their own country bring confusion and the division of the country and eventually these bring the downfall of the country. Therefore, people should refrain from complaints, dissatisfaction, etc. about their country and the country should lead people to become one mind for the development of the country.
Third, education should be oriented towards Christian character education. It should strive for education of conscience and character education at least on the basis of the Ten Commandments. By doing so, the faith in God should be properly established without shaking in any and every situation because keeping God’s law is the way for the country to thrive.
It is most urgent for Europe to practice these three things as mentioned above and it is the only way to prevent the downfall of Europe. Furthermore, on top of the foundation people should try to lead relief efforts. The completion of loving neighbors in the Ten Commandments is love and relief in Christ. If it is hard for countries to do, then churches should take the initiative to clothe and feed people in poor countries unconditionally. God blessed Christian countries to be rich in order to do so, thus such love and relief are important parts of duties for Christian countries. By doing so, they will reap thirty, sixty, or one hundred times what was sown in the near future through the blessings that come from the lips of the people from poor countries. When this happens, Europe will not be in crisis, and it will have the opportunity to recover.
<Dear Your Majesty The Queen and British people>
God truly loves the United Kingdom. However, due to the inability to repent the sins caused by colonial policies, the United Kingdom could not carry out the role as a powerful Christian country i.e. the duty as a country which leads Christian values and culture in the world. As a result, the status of the country has declined and it has been far away from God at the same time. Today God once again wants your Majesty the Queen and British people to answer for what to do as a Christian country.
The way to recover God’s love and grace as a Christian country depend on the faith and will of ministers and Christians. The way for the United Kingdom to pay off the sins of the past is to repent and lead souls to the right way as written in the Bible (Jas 5:20). Namely, the country and people should be united in all of one mind and prayer time should be scheduled 2-3 times a day for peace of mankind and for true repentance of each and every colonial country of the past in order to resolve the sins. Furthermore, the British government and people should compensate for numerous resentment, hatred, and rancor which occurred in colonial politics and resolve them by mobilizing every means and way if possible.
This is the one and only way for the United Kingdom to escape from the crisis of today and to make God change his mind. Already, there would have been the voice of repentance that was urged through someone within the Church of England. Please do not neglect the voice of the Holy Spirit who once again urges through this servant and show to the world how England has been saved in Christ by obeying the voice.
As mentioned above, this servant who is confined to love, the commandment of our Lord Jesus Christ and taken prisoner on this earth by receiving the order from our Lord Jesus Christ would like to send the word of the Lord to Her Majesty the Queen and British people.
Hallelujah! O, Lord.
May God bless the United Kingdom with tremendous success and prosperity!